I'm wondering if I can get a copy of the key from the fob to store outside the car in a hidden location. This will provide emergency entrance if the fob ever gets locked inside the car. I would not need the transponder, just the "old fashioned" key. Has anybody looked into this? Could a locksmith cut another Toyota key blank to match? Thanks for any input, John
John- I got one made by the Toyota Dealer. They made me one in a regular Toyota blank. You can also special order the little fob blank key but as I recall they're expensive, as is a spare fob.
In the Prius 04 site there is a fellow who cut a spare, epoxied it to a rare earth magnet and stuck it under the car. That will get you into the car, be able to pop the hood, open the gas door etc. It will not allow you to start the car. If you locked your fob in the car it should have prevented you from locking the doors, unless the fob battery is dead. If the 12v battery is dead,*and* the fob battery is Kaput, *and* you lost the key out of your fob the spare key will save you. This all having been said I had a spare cut @ Home Depot for $1.35 and will secrete it somewhere on the car in case I figure a good reason later.
Thanks for the info! I will get a spare made soon. I don't have SE/SS so I think it is possible to lock the fob in the car. I will play around with it when I get home. My wife has, on occasion, placed the keys for the car in her purse and then hidden the purse under the passenger seat because she does not want to carry it and then locked the doors on the way out. The solution is to never lock the doors except with the remote. John
I just went down to Wal-mart. had a key made to carry just in case... was under $1.50... 3+ times the size of the org. but if it gets me in the door who cares... I think I later in the year I will order another SE/SS fob, remove the battery and hide the unit in the car (after programming) just in case I loose my keys... will have a way to get home... Later
Ordering Fob If you order another fob, take your banker with you. They cost abnout $250.00 plus a charge of about $50.00 to program it.
Here's some information from the database on the Yahoo Prius Group site: 69515-47010 2004 Driver's door key $3.97 Conicelli Toyota - PA Tom Rielli - 800-825-7128 ext.2653 Mention you are a Prius Club Member for this discounted price Edit Delete 89071-47180 2004 keyfob WITHOUT Smart Start & Entry $144.17 Conicelli Toyota - PA Tom Rielli - 800-825-7128 ext.2653 Mention you are a Prius Club Member for this discounted price. List $192.33 Edit Delete 89904-47061 2004 keyfob WITH Smart Start & Entry $160.50 Conicelli Toyota - PA Tom Rielli - 800-825-7128 ext.2653 Mention you are a Prius Club Member for this discounted price. List $214.00
I went to home despot, but thier blank was way too long (over an inch longer), the guy said it wouldn't work. Would it have? I really don't care if the key is too long & sticks out when used, because its going to be put in my wallet & only used when (not if) I lock the fob in the car (I don't have SE/SS so I think it is possible) Plus, I may want to go kayaking and not get the fob wet so I'll just bring the mechanical key with me. Brian
I went to the local hardware store, thier blank was too long (no surprise) and had a fat plastic end. But they were able to duplicate the key and irt works. I then put a drum sander in my cordless electric drill, clamped down the key and ground away all the plastic, making the key shorter and thinner. Key still works. 8) By the way if you turn the mechanical key to the "unlock" direction a second time, you unlock all the doors (discovered by accident) Brian
Don't worry too much about getting the fob wet. Mine got washed and dried (and not in the delicate cycle) and still works great Its was the wife fault I swear!!
Darn right it was, she's supposed to check your pockets for (now her) money before she washes your clothes! ;-)