My C1 is $17,625 before taxes; from a reputable dealer who did not add on any BS fees. I'm in the SF Bay Area. A couple months later, I saw Walnut Creek Toyota advertised a C1 for $17,250 before taxes, there was only one at that price. They also advertised a C2 for $17,999 but that includes a $1,000 discount for trading in your Honda or Toyota, so I guess it's $18,999 if you don't have a Toyota/Honda to trade in. .
This is my first post! I just received a quote of $17,750 before TTL for a 2013 Prius C1 in Southern California. From my research here it seems like a good price but it's also the end of the year so I'm wondering how good this actually is. Would appreciate any insight!
Update: I was able to negotiate the price down to $17,604 for a 2013 Prius C1 by contacting several dealerships and I purchased it with 0% financing from Santa Monica Toyota. It was a pretty painless process because we agreed on the price via email before I went in.
I wanted to contribute a data point: I just bought a new 2013 Prius C Two from a Bay Area dealer. It has 25 miles on it, and the included options are Body Side Molding + Carpet Floor Mats/Trunk Mat. The total out the door price, including all options, document fees, taxes, DMV registrations, state fees, etc. was $20,650, and the price before fees and taxes was $18,688. I also took the 0 down, 0 APR for 36 months (no payments for 90 days). To get to this price I negotiated quite a bit with a few dealerships (with 2 in person, and with about 10 over email), and this is the best overall offer I got, considering the options it had and the color. Hope this helps someone!
Just bought a leftover 2013 Prius C Two for 15,910 before fees. After destination, dealer, tax, tags and $1000 trade in I walked out at 17,231 with 0% for 60 months. Would have qualified for $500 more off if I got my own loan outside of Toyota but it was 0%.
I just bought a Prius C II on Saturday. I paid a little over 17k out the door. It was a 2013 though brand new and I got 0% for 60 months also.
Anyone else? I see that on a C you can either get the 2,000 cash back or 0%. Assuming most on here got the $2,000 cash back? $17 otd for a prius c 2 is a good deal.
It's 1500 cash back with 0% or 2000 cashback with your own financing. That's the choice I was given. So you are essentially paying 500 to get the 0% but the lowest rate I could find was 1.79% so it was a fair trade off for me
The 2014 prius c has no incentives, just the 13. Got quoted for a 2013 prius c 2 for $16,500 and the 0% financing plus t,t,l and their $500 process fee. Might pull the trigger.
Bought mine a week and a half ago, 2013 c iv w/ moon roof, alloy wheels and carpet mats...22k...went in determined to buy a III but got caught up in the nice little extras on the iv
I ended up purchasing a 2013 Prius c 3 with sun roof and wheels for $18,000.00. I'm very happy with the car. Totally worth it.