I have been poking around the Firefox Extensions page and can't find what I'm looking for: An extension that allows me to split the page screen horizontally much like Microsoft Word and Excel. There have been times - here, for example - when I would like to keep the original post in sight while I'm reading all the replies. Or just a long page and I would like to refer to two seperate sections at the same time. With a split screen, I would be able to do that easily. Anyone know of an extension for this?
I found this on mozdev.org, it might be what you're looking for. http://extensionroom.mozdev.org/more-info/splitscreen It appears to be working for me, I'm using, but I had to specify to open in FF before it would install.
A word of warning with this one, I had issues logging in to my personalized Google page (it kept saying my login had expired, even when I just logged in) while it was installed. I uninstalled it, and now my Google page works again. I didn't see this problem on anything else (though I only had it installed for about an hour or so), but just be aware that it may have other side effects. Personally, it's not my style (I don't like tabs either), but I see where it can be VERY useful.
Ok, that's pretty cool. In just a few minutes of playing, I've determined that you can evan have two different pages one on top and one on bottom. You can even drag links from one to another to launch those link in the other window. I even have the original post open in the top and am replying in the bottom. Makes me wonder if there'll be versioning issues when I submit this post. :blink: Thanks! [Edit] Yes and it appears that there is no "reload" abilities. So I now have an old version on top and a new version on bottom. No biggy since I'll just close the whole window. [/Edit]
I hope the usability has improved quite a bit since I loaded, played with, and unloaded “splitscreen.†It felt more like an entire browser loading within the second screen. I would hope that they improved it to work better with the Tabbed Browsing. One feature I would like to see is being able to right click on a tab and selecting “open in splitscreen.†And I really hope they improved how one gets out of split screen mode. I guess I'll have to reload and play with it, again.
From what you say, SPE, it seems like "no" they haven't cleaned it up the way you said. Personally, I would have preferred something more thin. I mentioned MS Word above. That's what I had in mind. But when I need SplitScreen I'll use it.