I did a search on "Bluetooth disconnect" and couldn't find a relevant thread, so sorry if this has already been asked. My wife has a Samsung Stratosphere and the Bluetooth telephone / music streaming seems to work just fine. We've taken a few long trips and everything is great. Yesterday I drove her car and I paired my old dumbphone - LG Cosmos. Things seemed to start off fine. The address book and call history all populated, and I was able to make a call. I thought all was well. However, then "it" started. What is happening is that the phone will un-pair from the car, and then reboot itself.. It would connect/pair to the bluetooth....work for a few minutes....then un-pair and reboot. Over and over. I couldn't hold a call for more than a couple of minutes because the phone would un-pair and reboot itself. Now, before I jump to the "it's the phone" conclusion it works just fine and has for the last 2 years in my Honda Odyssey and to my headset... Only when paired to the Prius is it doing this. Any ideas on what to do? To try? (I do need a new phone......"Honey, the Prius forum ordered me to get a new phone...." ) Thanks in advance.
My wife has a Droid RAZR and a 2012 Prius. The two devices paired perfectly for over 16 months, and suddenly last week they won't stay connected. I've tried unpairing the phone and rebooting it, and turning off the car and restarting it. Then I can get the two device to pair up, but after only a couple of minutes the car screen will read No Bluetooth Connection, although the phone seems to think it is still connected. So I put the car in park and attempt to connect, but car screen reads Bluetooth Off, and I cannot get it to turn back on unless I shut off and restart the car, then the cycle starts all over again (devices remain paired for only a minute, etc). The phone has Android 4.1.2., I'm not sure how long it's been running that version. At first I thought the Bluetooth broke, since it shuts off and I cannot select it back on, but after reading this thread, I'm more confused than ever! Anyone have any advice?