<_< OK. well this is kiling me because i can't figure it out. On the Consumption screen in the MFD underneath the 5 minute mpg average bar graph is ur average miles per gallon, well just to the right of ur average mpg is some other number. I dont know wat it is for, mine showed 116 and now it is 130mi. Can someone please tell me what the is, i thought it was the range but my mpg hasnt increased so how would my ranged increase if i didntn add gas? Thanks in advance.
That is how many miles you have traveled on that tank of gas. When you fill up again it will go back to zero. Springtime
That is miles since it was last reset. On our 05, there is a reset button that clears the miles, also when you gas up (add I think at least 2 or 3 gal), it will also reset. This figure is what the ave MPG is calculated from, in your case 130Mi EDIT: Oops, Springtime beat me to it...
Thanks, now i know, so just to clear it up the Prius (06) has no range indicator thats what i'd really like to have : (.