Of course, but I can only quote T. S. Eliot on the subject: (with suitable apologies!) The Naming of Cars is a difficult matter, It isn't just one of your holiday games; You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter When I tell you, a car must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES. First of all, there's the name that the family use daily, Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James, Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey— All of them sensible everyday names. There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter, Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames: Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter— But all of them sensible everyday names. But I tell you, a car needs a name that's particular, A name that's peculiar, and more dignified, Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular, Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride? Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum, Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricoshar, Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum- Names that never belong to more than one car. But above and beyond there's still one name left over, And that is the name that you never will guess; The name that no human research can discover— But THE CAR HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess. When you notice a car in profound meditation, The reason, I tell you, is always the same: His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name: His ineffable effable Effanineffable Deep and inscrutable singular Name.
I don't think your apology is entirely adequate. One cat is named Cristy since we found her on Craigslist...y The other is named Ziva because she is so beautiful and the sound of her name is clearly different than Cristy.
…I have to agree with you, but honestly think that T. S. Elliot was blessed with not only a wonderful imagination but was one of those fortunate folk with a keen sense of humour, unlike so many people I've met on this side of The Pond! My two Cell-Mates (felines) are "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" (just two of their many names) - Wil
If I am talking about it, it is My Car. If my DW is talking about it, it is Your Car. No other names as of yet.
I named mine Alice. Just seemed to fit. She is practical, yet has a subtle sexiness and without realizing it, she can have a spunky and almost supernatural amount of energy when you least expect it. Black with chrome wheel caps and soon shark fin and chrome body moldings. Being green never looked so hot.
So, does that mean if you get into a car-to-car altercation (forbid), you'll call it "Scrambled Eggs"?