Anyone sign up for the metro express lane transponder? I've never used it, nor do I really ever drive on those parts of the freeway Metro ExpressLanes Read under latest news (as of 2/25/14). Green and white sticker eligible vehicles are able to drive in these express lanes which either cost money or I believe you need 3 or more people in the vehicle with you. And you're supposed to have one of those transponders in your vehicle at the time. I tried signing up yesterday but they require a $40 credit to your transponder. I didn't want to do that yet and wanted to know what other people have/are been doing. iPhone ?
I remembered when I first signed up, there was a $3 monthly service charge to having one of the transponders. So it's not completely free. If you were to sign up, I believe you can get a discount at AAA or Costco. I believe you pay $25 or $30 and you get a full $40 worth of credit.
I got it from AAA and it was cheaper. I think it was $32 for $40 credit. I live in LA county or no monthly fees for me. But I also use it almost daily so either way, the fee is waived.
"These vehicles are also exempt from toll charges imposed on HOT lanes, unless prohibited by federal law." Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center: High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) and High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Exemption Are the 10/110 Metro Expresslanes the only HOT lanes in California, or does this ruling apply for more freeways in California? I thought I had found the details a few months ago, but can't seem to find the specifics now.
Wonder how the "system" will know not to charge vehicles with green tags? Ain't no chips or sensors in these green carpool tags.
And when the transponder is set to any value above 1, a police officer, if present, will visually verify that you qualify for that number, either by the number of people in the car, or the HOV decals.
I bet cops don't really care about enforcing this. Most cars I see on the fastrak on the 10 are single occupancy, probably upwards of 80%. Maybe I'm judging by the covers but most of them do not look as they are willing to pay $6+ for a 1 way trip. And there's no possible way that the cops can verify what number the transponders are set to while moving. Cops can pull them over and check but what's stopping the drivers from flipping the switch to 1? If you ask me, this is a stupid system!
As I understand it, there is a pattern of overhead signal lights that flashes when a FastTrak is read which indicates the setting, and the officer will use that to check compliance.
I can't seem to find the picture for reference, but on the other side of the camera/transponder reader there is a light that changes colors based on the number set on the transponder(1/2/3+). The cops can sit there and watch the light color and then look inside the the car to verify number of passengers. You can switch it to 1, but the cop will still be able to verify you drove through the checkpoint with 2 or 3+. I don't take the 10/110 regularly, but I would assume enforcement would be high to help raise revenue.
I Googled "how will the CHP monitor Metro Express Lanes and selected this question/answer: How will enforcement work on the Metro ExpressLanes? In order for the Metro ExpressLanes to operate efficiently, a combination of visual monitoring by California Highway Patrol (CHP) vehicles, photo enforcement and FasTrak® will be used to ensure legal use of the ExpressLanes. This video explains the CHP-enforced rules of the road. When traveling on the Metro ExpressLanes, a beacon light will indicate the transponder occupancy setting. The beacon light is visible to the CHP who will perform a visual verification of the vehicle occupancy and cite non-compliant drivers. If a driver uses the Metro ExpressLanes without a valid transponder a photo of the vehicle license plate will be taken and the registered owner of the vehicle will be issued a toll evasion violation notice.
Here in Northern California, they are moving toward removing toll takers completely from toll bridges. They have already done this for the Golden Gate Bridge. You can either use FastTrak, or you can pre-pay an account based on your license plate. Not having any account will result in a bill being sent to the owner of the license plate, which can be paid without penalty within some number of days. The car rental companies love this, since they tack on a serious surcharge (more "soak the tourist, who has no choice other than paying up"). There is action happening in the state legislature to require dealers to provide numbered temporary plates when they sell a car, since a large amount of revenue is being lost to "new" cars with plates that just have the dealer's name. And then there is the revenue lost to all those who have plates with restricted access to address information, such as the families of anyone even remotely associated with law enforcement; the bridge districts do not have access to this information, so those folks cross the bridges for free.
I guess this is better than nothing. But chances of getting caught is much less than a regular carpool lane as the cops do not have to depend on the limited amount of toll scanners. I believe there are only 4 to 6 scanners depending on which direction you're going throughout the 10 HOT lanes.
The CHP does check frequently and will give out tickets ($230 but not a moving violation). I got one a few months back because I forgot to switch it to 1 one afternoon when my carpool mates didn't ride with me on the way home. I see them on the 10 FWY every day.
Actually if you go to the Metro Website you will find contradictory statements. On various pages they still state that the white and green HOV stickers are not valid in the HOT lane. The most recent update is at: Metro ExpressLanes | Special Advisories Effective February 24, 2014, vehicles displaying a DMV issued White or Green Clean Air Vehicle decal will be toll free. All vehicles, including Clean Air Vehicles, are require to have a FasTrak® while traveling on the ExpressLanes. To obtain your toll-free trip, set your FasTrak switch to position 3 (3+ person carpool) prior to starting your trip. Clean energy vehicles that do not have a Clean Air Vehicle decal must drive with their FasTrak set according to their vehicle occupancy. Attention LA County Residents: The monthly account maintenance fee is waived until April 30, 2014. NOTE: It may take a few days for the waiver to be applied to your account.