I named my car Bridget the midget because she is small but doesn't let anyone give her shit SPH-L710 ?
My passengers sometimes shout out "Jesus Christ, you almost killed me!". I'm not Jesus Christ, so they must be talking to the car.
All of our vehicles (company cars) have names. I've had Dusty, Rusty, Rattle, Squeaky, and now.... Goofy. Every now and then, the guys with the hammers have to take Goofy away from me for a bit and give me a loaner car... I call "Sticky".
If anyone would play back my DashCam audio the would think my car's name would be "Friggin Idiot!!!".
My liftback is named but not by me. (I never name my cars. ) My friend bought a Prius V (he named it "Vincenzo" because he is 2nd gen Sicilian). He christened my car when we got into a discussion on the coefficient of drag on both vehicles. Since the liftback's was lower..........it is now forever known as "Drag Queen". I am starting to like it!
My 2012 PiP, and the two previous Prii I've had, carried the same now-exclusive (not issued anymore) statewide HOV "yellow emblem" Virginia license plate - and so each Prius in turn has been known by friends and family by this specialty plate's letters: "VOLTME".