I am not sure if anybody else has this problem, but the dealership hasnt seen anything like this. With my 2012 plugin, I set the timer to charge the car between 2-6 am. But, I plug it in at 6 pm when I get back. However, the car starts charging at 6 pm, instead of 2 am. I have reviewed the manual to verify step by step how to charge, and did the same at the dealership. Its been at the dealership for 3 weeks now and they have no clue what to do. Has anybody else run into problems like this? Thanks.
They haven't got a clue. They involved 'corporate' Toyota. Replaced the battery charging unit in the car, tried a different cord, messed around with some stuff in the dashboard (sorry no details on that), and nothing is changing it so far.
those are practically all the things that could've possibly gone wrong, is it still possibly they aren't setting it properly?
At the dealership, there is no problem when they try using the 220 v charger, but at my house I have the 110. When they tried the 110 at the dealership, they were able to recreate the problem. I then had them try a different charging cable, in case the cable was defective - and same issue. We went at this step by step, and are able to see a blinking green timer when we turn off the car. Shortly after we plug in the car, the timer goes away and the car starts charging - regardless of the time.
so it works fine with 220v but 110v doesn't could just be some small ecu not doing its job but that would create malfunction indicator, but charges fine? just the time doesn't work? has the ecu for the been changed?
Not sure about the ecu. The car charges just fine - just when I plug it in. I only know this because I generally would just plug and walk away in the past. Recently, I used the car within a hour of plugging it in and had a full battery - although the charger said to start at 2 am. I am sorry I dont know what the ecu is.
the ecu is a electronic control unit which also referred as a computer or module for a specific thing toyota should have and engineer take a look at it
I would assume thats where they should've started before replacing the battery charging unit (which they said is quite pricey) - but I will wait and see. I was just curious to see if anybody else on the prius boards have ever had a problem like this. Google didn't lead to much for me, so figured I'd actually post something. Thank God the car is still under warranty.
these cars are usually very reliable, I hope this is a isolated incident and initiate some sort of recall or some major parts are defective nationwide
BTW, I am curious - what do owners do when Toyota says they dont know what to do about your car? I bought a CPO, and am currently driving a rental, but I am not sure what happens if they just throw their hands up in the air.
its never that simple a dealership is required to hold up some value and you're warrantied, the rental should be at toyota's expense, they corporate pays for all of this until they determine its a lemon. look up lemon law
The rental and all expenses so far are covered by the dealership (Stevens Creek). I am just hoping they figure something out.
Maybe I am just confused, but I am not sure what what you mean by "charge car between 2-6am". You either set a start time or an end time. If you set a start time, that is the time it will start charging. If you set an end time, the system will guesstimate when it has to start charging in order to be finished by that time. And you have to manually set the clock to the right 24-hr time (it doesn't pick it up from the GPS-enabled nav system, like one would expect).
CharlesH, you can set the timer for when you want the charge to be complete or when to start. I tried both and having this problem. My understanding is that the 110 takes longer to charge, thus the 2-6 am range, sorry for confusing the issue.
Yesterday I came home with zero EV range, about 20% SOC. My timer is set to be charged by 5AM. It started at 2:15 and ended at 4:30 using 110 volts.
So let me get this straight, they replaced the 110v EVSE because of a charger issue that involves the timer?