Applied for them by phone under a week and these showed up today by mail and the mistery have being invailed. By their instructions, the current elegible Vehicles are: Honda Insight 2000/2004 Toyo Prius 2001/2006 Honda Civic Hybrid 2003/2006 Hondas Insight '05 to '06 :huh: do not meet the elegibility criteria because they do not meet Calif Air Resources Board SULEV emission requirements. Included are pictures of the stickers and the instructions for placement of these in our vehicles
That's awesome. I drive the LIE daily but always have my gf in the car as we work in the same company. I would consider getting them tho just in case. You care at all that it will ruin the "look" of the car putting the stickers on it? are they like static clings?
Oh very cool! I don't think I'll apply, since I don't use the LIE HOV lanes that much. I don't use the LIE for my commute anyways.
Somthing is wrong here. The diagram says "Place the large sticker on the right side of both the front and rear bumper" but the picture shows the sticker on the left side of the front bumper and the right side of the rear bumper. Am I crazy or is the government?
Well at the begining nobody knew the shape, size and color ot these,I had the idea of gigantic yellow stickers with some inscriptions but these really look nice, the largest of them is 7"x 2 3/4" and the smallest is 5" x 2". These are made of reflective self adhesive plastic. Not to bad. B) I'm using the Prius for daily commute and business and randombly use the LIE, my major route is the SS Pkwy, but now I may have an excuse to use the HOV by myself
I gess that it's the right side looking at the car in the front and looking at the car in the rear. So the cops can spot you easy.B)
Where do you go to apply if you would so kind as to point a fellow Priu owner in the correct direction? Thanks, David
The DMV NYS as a dedicated phone line only for this applications 1-800-697-0558 weekdays between the hours of 8 am to 4 pm.
Here is the official link: Hey mrbigh, I think I just saw you pass me the other day on the SS West. Small world, this is becoming!
Here it is. Good luck on the LIE. "How do I apply for the Clean Pass vehicle stickers? If you have a vehicle that qualifies and that has a valid NYS registration, call the DMV at 1-800-697-0558 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays that are not State holidays. Have the NYS vehicle registration card issued by the DMV available to provide information to the DMV representative. You cannot apply if you have only a temporary registration issued by an automobile dealer."
You must be right - but I always think of the right side of the car as the right side from the driver's seat. It makes no sense to say the driver is on the right side of the car from the front point of view. Then you could take any point of view. For example, from the driver's side view, you could say that the right end of the car is the rear, and from the passenger's side the right side would be the front.
Actually, it makes a little more sense. It says place the sticker on the right side of the from and rear bumpers, not the car. So yes, if you place the sticker on the right side of the front bumper, it winds up on the left front corner of the car. Got it?
I just got off the phone with them. since i just got my car saturday the DMV does not have the registration matching my home address yet - a week or so. I will call back. thanks for the info. david
Hey mrbigh, I think I just saw you pass me the other day on the SS West. Small world, this is becoming! [snapback]221210[/snapback][/quote] As it was quote in previous posts, when we see another Cousing Prius, lets do " the wave" and show our nice manners. Yes, I saw a handful of different Priuses in the SS Pkwy by the time of my daily commute, and very frequently I see a Millenium Silver with a pretty female driver
According to state officials there is no deadline - they will review the usage and impact (not that there are 1000's of Prius and Civic and Insight vehicles on the road) over time and make decisions in the future. I actually drove in the HOV lane yesterday (by myself with stickers in place) and noted something interesting when I passed a police car. I believe in the past when I observed police waiting to catch HOV violators they would usually be sitting in the car and observing while now that they have to be able to see the stickers on CLEAN cars they are standing outside their vehicle and staring at the oncoming traffic. He didn't even blink as I passed. Good thing they chose the beginning of spring to introduce the stickers!!