Anyone with a wiring diagram able to please tell me which wire from the under-dash display is the one that powers / illuminates the "Ready" light on the dash? I need to tap into this wire and run it to a relay so that it triggers the illumination of a brighter, more visible (from a distance) auxiliary light. (I'm looking to attach it to a dash mounted light so that the track safety workers who are approaching the car can tell if it is "ready" or potentially energized-- this is for a Prius "race car" and I just want it as an added safety element for potentially hesitant emergency crew) Thanks for any help you can offer.
Just find a fuse that's only energized when in Ready mode and tap into that. I'm using a seat heater fuse (non seat heater equipped) for my Ready mode relays. SCH-I535
Ah, that makes sense. I didn't think that there would be other circuits that would be activated when the car is "Ready." I was thinking too literally. (Geeze, I've clearly set myself up for colossal failure, trying to race a Prius. What was I thinking?!)
The READY light is not a bulb but is part of a LED panel on the dash on a Prius. It is know in all cars to be connected to the RUN position on any ignition switch. The radio, the heater circuit, or anything that does NOT have current in either the accessory of OFF mode will be connected at the READY mode. So, choose whatever wire that is convenient.
have a toyota crown 2015.all lights showing except ready light. and car cant start. how do i get backnthe ready light so i can staet the car. changed computer box after the old got fried. any help plz