I'm toying w/idea of getting some tinting done on my 2013 Winter Grey II. I really like this color alot and think it would look pretty sharp w/ tinted windows. My question is if I do this will/would it void some portion of the warranty d/t the alteration made? If it would, than I won't do it.
No Trouble with the Warranty in the US. Be very certain about all the laws of the places you drive. Tint Laws
I don't have tint myself, but I've never seen anyone here mention that a tint shop cautioned them against installing illegal tint. You got the cash, they got the tint!
I tinted the previous car I owned and before I did they showed me the darkest they could do by state law before I decided. They said they could do what I want but I would have to sign a waiver if I wanted it darker then state law SPH-L710 ?
It doesn't really work that way in states like California, NY, etc. where it's technically illegal to put any tint on the side windows as they're already factory tinted ~75% in the glass. They'll just suggest the lightest shade you can safely get away with or otherwise they won't be able to stay in business. Of course it's easy for members who live in states with more liberal tint laws to flash the illegal card while thumbing their nose at us for being able to tint legally themselves.