Has anyone gotten the new 4.4 KitKat update for their Galaxy S4 yet? I know they are available on AT&T S4's. Just curious to see if any problems develop with the Display Audio system after the update. I didn't have any problems with the 4.3 update but I saw post's of some who did.
I am on KitKat 4.4.2 ATT S4 and everything works flawless except the text feature does not function? Did it work on 4.3. I got my PIP after I had already upgraded.
Never tried the texting so I can't vouch for that one way or the other, but contacts & music etc. all worked fine after 4.3 update. Glad to hear everything else works though before I go for the update.
After I got my 4.4 update I had to remove both the car and phone bluetooth settings and re-pair. After that my text function started working again.
If I understand you correctly, the car and phone bluetooth worked fine after the update, you just had to re-pair everything to get the texting working also. Is that correct? Or did nothing work so you had to re-pair?
Well actually after I did the 4.4 update each time I got the in the car the phone asked me is it was ok for the car to access it, even when selecting the always allow option. Everything worked except for texting so that is when I decided to re-pair and after the re-pair the texting started working again and it does not ask me the question each time I get in the car.
I did the 4.4.2 update today and everything seems to work as before with the Prius. No problems that I notice. Fortunately I didn't have to re-pair or anything.
I just got the Verizon update to Kit Kat for my Samsung Galaxy S4. Everything in the Prius including Entunes continues to work perfectly. No problems. Hopefully everyone else who has an S4 and Verizon have no problems.
Vehicle: Toyota Prius 2005 Phone: Samsung Note 2 LTE Carrier: Telia Sweden Android 4.4.2 After upgrading to 4.4.2, my car's bluethooth did not connect to mobile. I unpaired and paired from mobile and tried to connect without success. I removed my phone in car's bluethooth and now my phone does not find any bluetooth when I search to pair. I had no problem before upgrading and it worked perfect. Any suggestion or solution for this?
Some people have had to do a factory reset on their phone to get it to work. There are many variables with this problem but losing bluetooth altogether sounds like something may have gone wrong with the update to 4.4.2 on your phone. I'm no expert so try things at your own risk. Personally, I would be calling my phone service provider and also Samsung about the problem. Good luck