In my 2004 Prius, my car is paired with a Treo 650 (Verizon) which works pretty well. Sometimes the car doesn't recognize the phone right away, but it is tolerable. What is REALLY frustrating, however, happens whenever my cell is on a call (running it through the Prius) and a second call comes in. Rather than beeping in a call waiting signal, the first call is abruptly dropped and the second call is anwered. There is nothing I can do to prevent it. (And then, of course, the person who just got dropped calls me back, dropping the new caller...and this starts a vicious circle.) Does anybody know how to stop this from happening. So far, the only thing I've done is to turn off the bluetooth if I'm expecting another call; but that is a lousy solution. Thanks Letsail
One thing you can do is dial *70 before an outgoing call to disable call waiting. Then any incoming call will go straight to voice mail. Otherwise, this problem was supposedly fixed by updates from Palm. However, many have reported that they still have the problem; but if you haven't updated, that may help. It may be carrier dependent as the updates are for specific carriers. My Treos are from Sprint but I don't get enough incoming calls to know if I still have a problem with the latest ROM update.
Even if this only occurs when bluetooth is active, seems like an issue with the Treo, not the Prius. You might try the question in the Treo section of