Acetone works!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by PASNGAS, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Humm.. well I'm thinking about it still "as you can prob tell"... 2 - 3 oz is 60 to 90ml of fluid mixed in 10 gallons is an extremely thin mixture.

    One Gallon is approx 4000ml. (1.06 quarts to a liter X 4)
    10 gallons is approx 40000 ml. "37854 ml"

    One ounce (30ml) divided by 40000mi's ain't much percentage....

    In Case my figures are off... someone else did them to in the links.

    If you read through the thread I provided and look at all the products.pdf's I provided, you will see that many commercial automotive products already carry more than 3 oz for a treatment.

    Often there are secrets out there that are not revealed... for instance if you have water in your tank.. throw a bottle of rubbing alcohol in from safeway and presto, your running again! They can sell you the same stuff at the autoparts store for 5 bucks. There are alot of "additives" to already added to the basic gasoline and it changed based on the season and what part of the country your in "ie: reformulated or not".

    I'm starting to have more of an open mind about something so many other people have tried for so long and have found global success without any reported problems from all my readings.

    Anybody who is uncomfortable with it is only trying to be prudent and theres nothing wrong with that. But sometimes when many many other people have already tried it, you can research and see if the "caution" is unfounded or not.

    Caution is always wise until something proves it ok.

    If I try it, I'll let you know.
  2. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    oh boy. just what we need. a bunch of people screwing up their cars, then complaining about how their prius required so many thousands of dollars in repairs.

    i think the complaints will push away more potential owners than an extra 5 mpg will draw in.

    acetone is nasty enough. i wouldn't go anywhere near toluene and xylene. unless they're in a fume hood, that is. i wouldn't put ANY of that in my car, considering how many thousands of dollars of stuff it can eat through. i wouldn't do it, even though we get a parts discount and labor would be free if my DH did the work. no thank you.
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Gasoline will dissolve like acid many plastics too....
    I was playing with some and usually if there is any solvency at all, the plastic you pour it into will at the very least be tacky if not flat out dissolve it.

    I played around with it and exposed it to things that gasoline are normally exposed to.... ie: a plastic gas container, a funnel... even a plastic cup out of the kitchen. Absolutely no negative results.

    Now if you put a shot glass worth acetone into 10 gallons.. I can't imagine it will do anything at all to anything that is built for gasoline in the way of dissolving.

    After playing with it I have changed my caution against it.

    The biggest concern I have is whether its all a big farce as to whether it even works.
    Its such a tiny tiny amount I will be pleasantly surprised if it does.
    According to the chart, more is not better... mileage actually drops if you put too much in.

    There are certainly alot of believers out there and only skeptics on the other side...
    I see no bonifide negative people who have tried it and confired negative results.

    They all say they have used it for months and swear by it..... we'll see, I'll be a guinea pig and try it.

    Starting with a new car.. I bet my gasoline system will stay sparkling clean inside!

    If you don't hear from me for about two weeks concerning this, its only because I am getting ready to go for a week vacation starting Tuesday.... I put it in today and I'll run it till then, then it will sit and do nothing for a week and I'll come home to see if my car has melted! :huh:

    Acetone is really cool to play with.. it totally evaporates without a trace or smell.... I wouldn't be surprised if it worked by sheer virtue of making the gas more atomic in its ability to vaporize and explode.

    You don't have to worry about spilling it on the ground as it will disappear anyway in seconds... just have a long funnel and don't take any chances to get it on your paint!

    I am not advocating anyone else try this... this is not a right and wrong religious choice, its merely a personal conviction and decision.

    If your really intriqued but too scared to try...

    Try it on a beater first! :D
  4. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    so have you tested things that represent the o-rings in the fuel line quick-connects, special rubber-compound fuel lines, fuel injector valve seals, the $2k gas tank (fuel bladder, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel level sending unit)... the seals in the engine are the least of your concerns if you muck up your fuel system.

    these were designed to work with gasoline, as they will have contact with gas for their entire functional lives. there is a huge difference in corrosives vs solvents, i wouldn't really compare the two. and gasoline isn't nearly the solvent that acetone is.

    acetone has a smell alright, i've worked with it enough to know that. will irritate your nose and throat if you're exposed to it for a while.
  5. TucsonPrius

    TucsonPrius Member

    Mar 9, 2004
    Tucson, AZ
    2020 Prius
    If adding acetone to gasoline really improved gas mileage, don't you think that possibly, just maybe, one gas company would add, just a teeny, tiny, itsy bit of acetone, and charge 10cents more per gallon, advertising the improvement in MPGs, and thereby increasing their customer base and their profit margin?

    Nah, it makes far more sense that these big oil companies are keeping this simple miracle MPG enhancer secret and stifling the information to, uh, keep with the 200MPG carburator, the magnetic fuel line enhancer, the vornado airflow dooky, the mothball treatment, and the simple photo-voltaic cell you can build with a coke bottle and bailing wire. (Ok, the last one is really being held by the bad electric companies--they prefer buying fuel to convert to electrcity, rather than getting it for free; it keeps their profit margins low.)

    All this so they can gain even more money by telling you these tips that are generate far more money for big oil and probably don't even work: keep your tires properly inflated, drive moderately, keep your car tuned, remove the carrier on top when not needed, combine multiple stops into one trip, remove heavy items from your vehicle when not needed. Bah, obviously hogwash.

  6. benighted

    benighted New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    Westport, WA
    They want to keep a little bit of surface tension so their gas doesn't evaporate as quickly. evaporated gas = lost money
  7. TucsonPrius

    TucsonPrius Member

    Mar 9, 2004
    Tucson, AZ
    2020 Prius
    Evaporate to where?

    Last time I pulled into a gas station, the tanks weren't open to the air. Also, I don't see much gas being hauled around in open trucks. Or sent through open canals like water.

    And if so, why would *they* care? If 10% evaporates, you charge 10% more for the gasoline.

  8. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Acetone has a distinct smell. I remember pouring toluene and xylene from 5 gal tins to 1 gal jugs at the beginning of the year as a Lab instructor in the old days. No hoods. Hoods were for really dangerous stuff. I would pour about 5 gallons then go for a walk out side for 10 Min to get my head back. Yes those were the days! Bunch of wimps in the Chemistry department these days. BTW no Acetone is going into my tank.
  9. castlecain

    castlecain Junior Member

    Dec 2, 2005
    North Carolina

    I used it to take a little overspray off my rear deck on my 82 corvette when I repainted the black
    portions which bordered my rear glass. Even then, only a hint of it was put on the rag....just the fumes were enough to do the job. It is very dangerous stuff, highly
    flamable. If you use too much in the manner I used it, you take off the clear coat.
    Bad move. If you spill it on your pants, you better get out of them quick.
    Not to be played with, or used for the wrong purpose. For those of you who sniff
    glue, good substitute.
  10. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    I'm throwing in my money with the "it's a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad idea" group. If you want to screw up your Prius by adding stuff to the fuel, by all means do so, but you're going to be called a fool by many, many people here when your car breaks down.

    Don't come crying to us, or blaming Toyota...

  11. tleonhar

    tleonhar Senior Member

    May 8, 2005
    Belle Plaine, MN
    2006 Prius
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I remember a few years back when the myth about magnets on the gas line would give you super mileage. Out here in farming country, we have these things called cow magnets. Now it's not a magnet that sticks to cows :lol: but rather a cow can sometimes end up swallowing small bits of ferrous metals that will not pass through the poor bovines GI tract and the cow will get what's called hardware desease. The cure is a rather powerfull magnet that's about 3" long and maybe 3/4" diameter with rounded ends that when deposited into the cows stomach, collects the metal and passes through.

    Well now that you know what you never cared about cow magnets. When the magnet on the gasline rage was abounding, every place that sold any kind of farmming supplies was crawling with the tinfoil hat gangs buying up every cow magnet they could get their hands on. :lol: :lol:
  12. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Anything new gets scoffing... especially since there is so much snake oil out there.
    The problem with that is that you can turn yourself off to anything and everything that is not widely accepted as normal use and miss out.

    Its perfectly understandable that many would not want to take risk with a 30K investment.
    No problem there...

    the only problem I have is when people are so closed minded that they won't even look because fear grips thier reason?

    There are many reputable sites out theree that back using acetone.

    Its very easy to find info on the net. I have heard alot of negative feelings and viewpoints, but they appear to be all based on fear and lack of understanding enough to trust its use?

    Common.. its .0003%?.. thats nothing?

    Educate yourselves and look at what profesionals use in thier products.and speak from those who have tried it and had problems and I will listen... not just fear and conjecture.
    I'm trying to make it as easy for you as I can.
    I'm surprised so many people are so nervous about something that is the size of a shot glass in 10 gallons?....
    How did any of you skeptics get the nerve to try the EV switch?

    I gave many .pdf file links "on post # 19 of this thread" of which I have seen very few downloads?.. this tells me there are many closed minds that do not even want to look?

    How can you call yourself educated and worthy of credible comments when you will not consider evidence?

    Show me some "evidence" to the negative.... I'm all ears! Bring it on... lets see some facts! I'm not finding any. I need your help.

    I'm not even saying it works yet... but I'm willing to try, if your not... thats your choice.

    If I don't see a noticable increase in mpg's, it won't be worth the trouble.

    The only negative I could find:... just don't run water in your tank with the acetone and your good: and if you have alcohol in your gas, it may lower its effectiveness.

  13. benighted

    benighted New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    Westport, WA
    Let us know what you find Windstrings. I'd deffinately use it if it gives 10% better MPG
  14. espoafd

    espoafd New Member

    Dec 31, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM
    I myself am not brave enough to try it yet though I am anxiously awaiting delivery of an EV switch. I am interested to see what your results are.
  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    I will.. give me about 2 weeks or so.... I'm on vacation "flying" the next week.

    The biggest concern I have is not to spill it on my clearcoat.. diluting it in some gas and then pouring it would be safest, but I think I will try the suggestion of one person who carries a small mount with him in a bottle and pours from that into a funnel..... if its windy or such, I'll just wait and not take the chance.
  16. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    one word: SPIN. you read something from someone who's promoting the issue and it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. of course it is, they're trying to promote it!

    anyway, i'd say i have a fair amount of credibility being that my husband is a technician and knows what he's talking about and the costs involved in replacing all the stuff that can get messed up.

    THE PRIUS IS NOT THE SAME AS A NISSAN MAXIMA. do you understand how infinitely more complicated the fuel system is in this car compared to an 88 maxima?? this is not a metal tank with a set of fuel lines and a pump.
  17. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    So far, I don't even have but about 50 miles on this tank, so I can't tell much yet. I think its better based on what I see so far.... I'm at about 47.5 to 48mpg using in an area "to and from work" that I normally only get about 44.5 or so.. buts it far too early to tell..

    It will take me at least 2 weeks to go through this tank unless I can make a long trip.

    So far, it appears the gas in my area has E10 in it.... I can't see that proof on the pumps, but one station attendant said all the gas here does right now until summer.

    It may not be till summer that the real benifit can be acheived since acetone bonds with alcohol and tends to get its benifit defeated.

    And I'm with you on the plastic gas tank and all galaxee, and I appreciate your comments and concern..... So far anything I've tested on that is made to contact with gas appears unaffected by pure acetone... "that I can reach of course"...let alone the tiny percentage we are mixing here.

    It is important to consider the main tube and hose that accepts the gas be totally immune to the acetone since it gets full concentration as it trickles into the gas from the spout.
  18. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    It doesn't matter squat what happens in two weeks. Use it for two years, then write and tell us about what ever problems you may have had with the car. And that means all problems: saving $60 worth of gasoline but ruining the paint on the left rear quarter-panel 'because you spilled the acetone once is significant.
  19. benighted

    benighted New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    Westport, WA
    Thats easy, just don't get it on the paint :rolleyes:
  20. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    I've thought about the paint issue.. I will put it in bottle that will pour cleanly and only do it when its not windy or risky.

    As far as using it for 2 years.. I figure if full concentration will not hurt the rubber parts that I have tested, that 0.0003 % to 0.0025 % acetone should give me several thousand years of use?.... just kidding!

    This stuff is so diluted, it amazing it would make a difference and I see your concern about long term.

    One thing that soothes some of those concerns are the commentary I posted, I'll post it again:
    The acid test is pure acetone over long term "6 months".. if they withstand that, 100 years would be less wear from the acetone alone at those weak concentrations when 3 ounces is mixed with 10 gallons of gas.

    You see the glass as half empty, I see it as half full..... If you want to find negative you will, whether factual or not,
    If I want to find postive, likewise I will too, but my viewpoint seems to have overwhelming evidence that supports it more than yours.

    You still have the right to play it safe... thats your personality...
    I like to ride the edge... thats mine, unless I can find evidence as to why not!..

    I once started with 7000.00 and bought 20 acres considered worthless out in the middle of nowhere.
    I built my hydroelectric system when everybody said It couldn't be done.. I did it 20 years ago when there was no help on the net or anywhere else...... I invested everything I had into property that would I would never be able to get a loan to build my house unless I had reliable power, septic..... all of which no one had ever done for 5 miles and all who tried failed. I had to buy a 15 dollar electric coorespondence course by mail and I learnd the basics of ohms law. From that I built my powerhouse without help from anyone and its not because I didn't ask.. everyone that should know didn't. I asked electrical engineers, people at bonnieville dam, electronic installers, etc etc and all was fruitless. I managed to build my system and I had 6000lbs of lead calcium batteries that I inverted from 24V DC to 110AC. I powered everything and even managed to build a control panel out of wood that I could manipulate and monitor every aspect of the system from the comfort of my house.
    I also built my house there out of a kit.
    I did all this while working full time and doing it when off work... because I wanted it.
    It ended up being a 2000sq ft house and I too had never done that before either.
    I lived there for 12 years and sold it for over 4 times what I had in it.

    I never got anywhere playing it safe or obtained anything great from not taking risk..... I try not to be stupid and do things against evidence and facts, but I never back down from a challenge if there is profit in pursueing it and I want to do it.

    If I find this doesn't work, then I promise to share my experiences so you won't have to take the risk... but I don't mind.

    But I am not intimidated by unfounded fears... give me some facts.
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