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Broken rear driver side door lock actuator

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by themobiletech, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. themobiletech

    themobiletech Junior Member

    Dec 23, 2006
    2007 Prius
    I have a 2007 Prius and recently both my driver side front door and driver side rear door lock actuator failed. I browsed the Prius chat forums and found great advice and a part number to replace the driver side front door lock assembly. I wasn't very confident in my ability to replace the assembly, but I decided to give it a shot, so I ordered the part. The part arrived today and my wife and I just finished successfully replacing the assembly. It was a little challenging, but now that we know how to do it we could probably do it again in half the time.

    Now I am ready to take on the challenge of replacing the rear driver side door lock assembly. I am browsing a Toyota part store online, but I am not sure which part I need for the read driver side door. This is what I found:


    Which part do you recommend and do I need the assembly with the anti-theft system? My Prius has an alarm system, but when I purchased the front door assembly there was no option for an anti-theft system.
    Any help and advice you have is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  2. FreydNot

    FreydNot Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Seattle, WA USA
    2008 Prius
    May I ask what they symptoms of your lock failures were? Were they 100% dead or only intermittent? Was manual operation effected?

    My rear passenger side door lock is intermittent when automatically unlocking or locking. Manual operation is fine. I'd say about 30% of the time an automatic unlock of all doors will leave the rear passenger locked. About 40% of time I do an automatic lock, it will blink the yellow corner lights, try to lock all doors, fail to beep, blink the lights again and try to lock all doors (this time successfully) and finally give a beep.

    I've been ignoring it for now. Maybe when the weather gets nicer I'll tackle the replacement.
  3. themobiletech

    themobiletech Junior Member

    Dec 23, 2006
    2007 Prius
    It started out intermittently on the rear driver side door about a year ago. It eventually became permanent, but it wasn't a big deal since the door could be locked/unlocked manually. The front driver side door started intermittently as well and eventually stopped working. I had to unlock the door from the passenger side or use the manual key. This became pretty inconvenient, so that is why I decided to take the plunge and replace the lock assembly on my own. I could live with the rear door lock not working, but now that I replaced the front door and have an understanding how to do it, I decided to go ahead and fix the rear door.

    For anyone else interested, here are a couple of other message threads I found on Prius Chat with the same problem:

    Fixed: Door Lock Actuator in Gen II Prius | PriusChat
    Lock Actuator Fail | PriusChat
    Broken rear door lock | PriusChat
  4. Tyr42

    Tyr42 New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    2007 Prius
  5. Jeff B in SoCal

    Jeff B in SoCal Junior Member

    Apr 12, 2015
    Gulf Breeze, FL
    2008 Prius
    This reply is kinda late but, hopefully, it will help somebody.

    I have now replaced all 4 door lock assemblies on my 2008 Prius. The first one to go was the front passenger door, then the right rear passenger door (I arbitrarily replaced the left side at the same time, since I was then familiar with the process and it took much less time because of that...) and now the front passenger door. The last one was the hardest. There is an excellent post somewhere on PriusChat about removal and replacement of the lock assemblies that has plenty of pictures, so I won't try to duplicate that, except for one piece of advice: Beware of attempting to replace the little DC motor in the assembly in order to repair the existing assembly. Although replacement motors are available on eBay, the ones you buy may or may not be wound the same as the originals. If they are wound opposite of the originals, they will operate backwards. Yes, you can reverse the two wires that operate the motor (cut, swap and splice...), but you also have to cut the motor shaft shorter and grind (or file) a flat on the shaft to fit the little worm gear. That kinds eats into your savings for not having to buy the whole assembly. Yes, the little motors are only a few dollars each, but the hassle (to me) is not worth the savings if the motors are backwards.

    And one more piece of advice... The front driver's side door requires that you insert the little rod that extends from the manual key lock into a little socket at the top of the lock assembly. It requires a good bit of patience to get it in there because the lock assembly has to be positioned rather awkwardly to get the manual lock rod into the socket and there is very little maneuvering room inside the door. Also make sure that the vertical rod that extends down from the door handle is inserted into the hole in the lever near the bottom of the lock assembly or you won't be able to operate the door. All of the doors have the vertical rod from the handle to the lock assembly, but only the front driver's side door has the manual key lock rod.

    The dealer does charge a lot of money to remove and replace the lock assembly. My local dealer does sell parts online for substantially less than the over-the-counter price, so I use that option. This time, the assembly was right around $300. My dealer's Parts Department balked a little when I showed up with a printout of the part and price I found online, but they did finally agree to sell the part at the online price. (If your dealer does the same thing, just say, "Fine", leave the part on the counter, go home and order it, then install it a few days later when it arrives in the mail.)

    I wish the parts were a little cheaper, but I've easily recovered the investment in my Prius with fuel savings, virtually no repairs other than the door lock assemblies and a couple of sets of tires. I only recently had to have the front brakes done for the first time at 140,000 miles. If some knucklehead rear-ends me tomorrow and totals the car, the first thing I'll do is go get another Prius.
    bisco likes this.
  6. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    and remove all the door lock motors.:p
  7. Jeff B in SoCal

    Jeff B in SoCal Junior Member

    Apr 12, 2015
    Gulf Breeze, FL
    2008 Prius