So it won't hurt the battery to leave it plugged in all winter?? I was thinking about getting the hard door covers in case it were to rain Would I leave it plugged in during the summertime anytime it as home? (It won't overcharge??) If I store it outside in the summertime and it rains will it be ok?
Darell what do you think of the Ford Think Nevs? What am I going to do if it breaks down and I need to get it fixed??? Would my Ford dealer help me IF I bought a Ford Think NEV?) I'm cofused on this auction Darell. It says in the first part it goes 55 miles on a charge. Then later it says 30 on a charge?? Why 2 different figures??
The only way to hurt the batteries is to leave them UNplugged. The charger isn't stupid. I knows what the car needs, and supplies it. Lead acid likes to be charged! It'll be just as OK in the rain as any other car. If you don't mind it getting wet, then you're good to go.
Ok so ANYTIME It's sitting in my driveway it should be plugged in right? I'm not saying I will be in the car WHEN it's raining. It will just be sitting in the driveway. However maybe I should get the hard or cavas doors? That way I won't have to worry about the rain.
Can I carry an extra battery somewhere (in trunk or something) all charged in case I run out of juice or want to go further??
OH WAIT!!! This one can go up to 48mph? Wonder if it's still considered an NEV then??
The Ford th!nk is a City car, not a NEV. Capable of 50mph, and significant range. Roof, doors - a bit of safety! The Think is an awesome car, and I love them. Sucks that they aren't made any more! Would it surprise you if I had a picture of me driving one? No, didn't think so. Not likely. But ask them to see. See the problem with no having these cars being made? It just plain sucks. No product and no support. Which auction? You'll have to ask these questions of the person selling.
Anything is possible, but this would not be in the least bit practical. Most of the weight of the vehicle is in the battery pack. Adding another would be annoying, and messy, and would exceed the cargo capacity of the vehicle.
Darell, Ok so I could buy a Ford Think car without having to worry about the NEV bill passing? If so wouldn't that be my best bet then? (I guess I wouldn't be able to get my truck bed though)
I can't until I know they have passed the NEV law in WI. I still think I want a truck version. Darell IF I get a Gem with a long truck bed can I haul like a couch with it? Or a table? I really want me 2nd vehicle to be some sort of truck. That way I feel I can justify having a 2nd vehicle. I will have it if I need to ocassionally haul something. (Like for example I bought a kitchen table and I had to hire a taxi to haul it home because all my friends were at work and I wanted to get it asap!) So now I think I should try to get a truck. Are there any Ford Thinks with a bed on them? I appreciate all the help you are giving me Darell. I wish I lived close by you to pick your brain more. (look at your cool Prius mods)
Tracy - I have no idea what the heck the NEV bill says, or why it is needed. NEVs are street-legal vehicles. If bicycle can legally ride on a road, these should be acceptable as well. A city vehicle doesn't have the same limitations and can even be legally driven on most highways. Sorry though. I really can't answer the question!
Nevs at this time aren't allowed on city streets in WI at this time. Hopefully that will change with this bill. I can drive my moped that can ONLY go up to 29 but can't currently drive a GEM in WI. (I can't see the difference??!!!) Maybe I should check into those Fords if they aren't considered Nevs