:cussing: 4.259259259 Prius per dealer! BUT, if I could find 4 dealers willing to sell me about 1/4 Prius each............
Just to make things a little worse, it's actually 0.23478 Prii/dealer...you're gonna need 5 dealers to get a complete car.... -evan :|
Yes! Good God! You'd think I would have learned the difference between a divisor and a dividend by now. Sheesh!
And, I was pissed after hearing we got 121 cars in SoCal. I heard Gilles in the Northeast got 19 for 50+ dealers. Now, I feel grateful.
Dianne, This seems to be a particularly small allocation. I don't know the details of te number of regions, but even if there are 20 regions and the max any of them are getting is 121 cars and maybe an average of 75/region that's only 1500 cars for the whole US. Seems like a pretty low number. 'course, my numbers could be off by miles. My point is, it doesn't seem like we're seeing any impact of 'ramped up' production to meet the 47K mark Toyota announced. I would've expected increasing allocation numbers by now...or is it just too soon to see that impact?
More cars? CHILL! Waaaaaaay too soon. You guys and gals forget that we are not the only country who wants this car. And, if production is increased, it still takes 2-3 months to get the cars here. I see a great big jump in production for Feb and March, but that's cars that GET HERE late March, and into April and May... it's way too soon to be looking for extra cars. :>
I think in one of the articles I read about increased production it said something about consumers not being able to notice an increase in production until mid-Spring.
Are there 2 allocations a month? If so, do you have the second January allocation #s? (for Chicagoland) thanks, brian
Second January allocation - Chicago Region. 67 total - of those 34 went to dealers that had no Prius in their pipeline, leaving 33 to be spread amongst 115 dealer. (Is there an emoticon for pounding my head on the desk ?)
How about... :Wth: Yes, tag, I stole the Wth icon and the "I Agree" one from one of your earlier posts
In that case, here are a few other goodies: [Broken External Image]:http://www.ar15.com/forums/images/smiles/anim_chainsawkill.gif
And a couple more: [Broken External Image]:http://www.acuramdx.org/forums/images/smilies/thread needs pics.gif [Broken External Image]:http://www.acuramdx.org/forums/images/smilies/behead.gif