My 2010 Prius, purchased used but in excellent condition, has a stink in the ventilation system that smells like a dead, decaying rodent. There is no mildew, just earthy stench. I would like to know how to access the intake to the system (ventilation for AC and outside air to the passenger cabin). I'd like to look for an animal carcass, and then I will treat with Ozium sanitizer. Comments? Suggestions? Advice finding the intake access?
there is a dead mickey on your cabin air filter. it's behind the glovebox. just squeeze the arms in and the glovebox lowers enough to access the filter. instructions are in the manual.
Once you do the above steps at least 3 minutes prior to turning off your car/air conditioner switch from recirculate to vent to allow the outside air in this helps with the a/c smells.