Hello! I've read on multiple websites that Priuses with Safety Connect and the solar package can't install the LEDs. I guess my question is, will the kit from PrecisionLED work? I can't link to it here unfortunately but it does not say there are restrictions for the Safety Connect feature. I really dislike the way the interior lights look and would love to put in some LEDs. As a side question, what are your experiences with LED interior lights? What is obnoxiously bright (so I can avoid that!)?
I do not know why they would not fit, it's the same socket unless its one of those kits that have a full size panel that takes up the whole compartment vs. a single LED or small panel of 3x6 LEDs... The only issue I had was the socket in trunk. Bulb was I got was too big, and I did not want to cram it in there and bend up the tabs so I ended up soldering short wires to make it fit. LEDs are brighter than bulbs, but I think it looks neat. If you get cool blue or 4500 degree LEDs the color temp may make a difference also. I have the bisque interior, and my wife has light gray interior in her car.
Thank you. I'm not good at soldering so I guess that's my only issue. I know the roof has a different shape with a moon roof but I don't know why safety connect would affect the interior lights. I think I'll do a slight blue hue, I'm pretty worried about blinding people as I drive