The manual says very little about the route trace. Its on page 61 in the 06 manual. There is a certain place where as my Nav is routeing back to my home from the beach, that twice now when I get to a certain point, it tells me to go the wrong way? Can I engage "route trace" and teach it? Once I do engage it, can I stop it to save memory once I'm to a place I know its familiar with? Is this function to teach it new changes to the geography that the current DVD may not have? I see you can record up to 124 miles, but what for? How do you retrieve it later? Is it to correct or teach the nav a new way? and if so, will it remember the next time I'm on that destination, or will the nav use the new directions for any route you engage that goes through that area you record? sorry, so many questions, but until I know its main function, I don't even know what are the appropriate questions. thanks.....
WS, I don't have any experience with the Prius Route Trace function, but I can tell you that in my Jeep this is handy for a "bread crumb trail" on areas that are not mapped by the Nav. This is usually the case for trials and back roads that are not often used. This function essentially allows you to find your way back to your starting point. As I mentioned, I'm not exactly sure how it was implemented in the Prius, but I was surprised to see it and am looking forward to the experience of others with it. My guess is the "Route Trace" or trial function was left in because the Nav unit goes across the Toyota/Lexus line of autos - including many 4x4's that could actually use this feature off-road.