Hi all, I've had my Prius for several months now, and always wave whenever I see another one on the road. Believe it or not, last night was the first time someone actually waved back. Also, I'm in my twenties and it was the first time I saw someone my age driving a Prius too! It was about 12:30 at night. I had just left downtown Providence, RI and was getting on I-195 East. I beeped my horn twice, waved, and the gesture was returned by a beautiful young woman driving the silver Prius next to me. I hope maybe we'll meet again. --Thanks for putting a smile on my face Mystery Prius Girl. ~Andrew
Andrew, Perhaps your success rate would improve further if instead of waiving you would wave at other people! :wink: :roll: :wink: Sorry, had to do it....
Yes yes efusco, I already know. I edited it as soon as I posted hoping someone wouldn't be that quick. I also changed my signature to inform people of my condition. Well at least I gave some people a chuckle out of that. :lol: Sorry, ~Andrew PS I really like your avatar. That's my favorite angle for Prius photos.
As a fellow spelling-deprived person I just enjoy the rare opportunity that I recognize a misspelling myself! That's my baby (Avatar) take a look at my album for some other nice shots of her.