I have another thread where I mentioned that I live at the top of a hill with two possible approaches. The trip back home tends to kill my MPG but the trip from home charges the battery and gets me off to a great start on MPG. So here's my idea....from now on, I will do all of my traveling to and from any given destination...(wait for it)....Downhill both ways!!!!!
It just so happens that I have also found a great way to take all the worry and headache out of doing your taxes. Use the new "Super Short Form"!!! It only has two lines. Line one...... How much did you make last year? (fill in the blank). Line two...Send it in! See? Short, simple and you can do it yourself. No need to pay a tax preparer.
The most disgusting thing is that the "S" in IRS is for "service". So I guess burglars and thieves are part of the service industry.
Indeed! So did my grandfather. He would say "You kids don't know how easy you have it. Why, in my day, we had to walk twenty miles through heavy snow just to go to school, then twenty miles back UPHILL both ways!" (He would then wait to see if we would figure out that he was kidding us.) He would also tell us about how he and his men fought until they had fired their last bullets when surround and outnumbered 20 to one by the Nazis in WWII. When we asked him what happened he would say "Well, we were killed of course!"