Well shucks...I can't continue school- selfish It will cost a lot of money (so I can't buy what I want)- selfish Your birth defect argument is the only one NOT selfish. I don't walk in their shoes, mostly because I CHOSE not to. You're right, I don't see what you see, I only see the result of such a cavalier respect for life.
Uh, as far as the troll comment...are you a PC rookie or something? You misunderstood my point. My point is that back alley abortions were a scare tactic....it was never that much of a problem. And those who will do such a thing, will do it anyway. I do have empathy for them, I just will not let the "possibility" of such go against my fervent belief that legalized abortion cheapens society.
Uh, how do you KNOW this? It does not describe me. More likely than not, it describes the very selfish people who WOULD have an abortion. Severe toll........then don't get pregnant. That sounded very odd......
Very interesting comment. I do disagree with the percentages though. The man's should be about 25% to the woman's 75%. You have not experienced pregnancy and delivery.
You're not going to find any argument from me. As far as I'm concerned, men have the easy part! Sometimes, it's kind of fun, too!
I hope someday you will find the empathy needed to understand that it is not a cavalier respect for life or a cavalier choice. Abortion cannot be boiled down to a black and white issue, there are many shades of gray. I don't believe it is the ideal choice, but it is a necessary option.
Oh so true. Women who go to the "crisis pregnancy centers" are manipulated by the staff, shown pictures of chopped up fetuses, made to listen to the "testimony" of a woman who claims to have had an abortion and then, after being bombarded with the above and a healthy dose of "if you abort this beautiful and perfect gift from God you will go to hell", are promised the world and then some in order to continue with their pregnancy. If they do continue with the pregnancy they are given many necessary items - before birth. Shortly after the baby is born, they are cast to the wind to fend for themselves and their infant while the "crisis pregnancy counselors" are off to work on the next victim.
This makes no sense. You're saying that the number of "back alley" abortions will not go up if women don't have a safe alternative?! Regardless of the legality of it, women are going to have abortions. If there is a legal, safe way to get an abortion, then more women are going to opt for that, rather than the "back alley" option. If they don't have the safe option, then those that are going to have abortions are necessarily going to go to the unsafe alternative. Will making abortion illegal decrease the number of abortions performed in the US? No doubt. Would these laws make the US a better place for women and children? Almost certainly not.
I totally agree. As a person of faith, I am reminded of a story that I have heard many times throughout my life. It goes: A religious man and his wife found themselves in the rising floods in the aftermath of a devastating storm. They climbed on the roof to escape the water and prayed for a miracle to save them as it continued to rise around them. After a time, a neighbor came by in his rowboat and called to the couple, “climb down and I will row us to safety.†“Thank you,†the man said. “But, God will save us. You must save yourself.†The waters continued to rise, and a rescue helicopter came by. The loud speaker boomed, “we will lower a ladder for you to climb up.†“No, thank you,†the man said, “We are people of faith. God will save us. Don’t waste your time with us. Go and find others.†The waters continued to rise and the couple drowned. At St. Peter’s gate, the man said, “I know this is God’s will, but I would just like to know why we were not chosen to be saved.†St. Peter replied, “We tried! We steered your neighbor’s boat to your side, and then when that didn’t work, we guided the rescue helicopter to your roof. What more did you want us to do?†Now – here is another story, more apropos to the abortion debate… . A couple who had long tried to have a child is blessed with a pregnancy. They do everything right, including all the appropriate pre-natal care and tests. They make a nursery, prepare for the trip to the hospital and enthusiastically await the birth of their precious child. The last test they take is done as early as possible – in the seventh month of the pregnancy. To their chagrin, the test shows that the child carries a gene for a devastating disorder that will plague him or her after birth with the rampant growth of malignant tumors throughout all the organs of the body. There will be no cure and the child will die by the age of 3 after a life of constant, excruciating pain. Research shows that there is a 50% chance that the gene will be active in the child. The couple, being people of extreme faith, pray for a miracle that will save their child from this horrible fate and they continue the pregnancy. The child is, however, born with the affliction, suffers inexorably and dies at the age of 18 months. Many years later, when approaching St. Peter’s gate the wife says, “I know suffering comes with the path to glory, but I am just wondering why my darling daughter was chosen for this pain?†St. Peter answers, “We tried to save her from it. We made sure you had access to the specialists who could give you the information you needed. We led your hearts to have the right tests, and we gave you the results. We also gave you a reasoning mind and the free will to make an informed choice. What more did you want us to do?†The lesson is that miracles come in many forms, not only with the parting of the waters, like the Red Sea, or Elijah’s fiery chariot. Miracles can come when we take the gifts of knowledge, free will and choice and use them wisely.
Abortion is an issue that won't go away. The 1 thing that bothers me is that the majority of abortions are chose by white women. There's been a shortage of white babies to adopt for many years. I knew a couple that spent $30,000 going to China for a kid. They were white. I think abortion should be illegal except in cases like rape, health, and low IQ. I find it unacceptable to throw away a young life just because you don't want to be responsible for your actions. There are plenty of lawyers and prospective parents willing to pay you good money for giving birth to a child and then giving it up for adoption. It's not a throw away candy wrapper.
that comment makes me sick to my stomach. the couple you knew obviously weren't interested in the color of their child's skin, they were interested in having a family. you clearly are beyond seeing past skin color.
I don't understand the terminology 'pro-life'. If you are alive and haven't killed yourself you must be pro-life, therefore everyone alive is pro-life. In my mind you can be for abortion (pro-abortion) or against abortion (anti-abortion) or not take a stand. By letting zealots define themselves with an all inclusive moniker they automatically include everyone on 'their side'. As we can see by the above discussion not all agree one way or the other. In any argument we must define ourselves, not let others define us or they will do so in a way which either cheapens us or glorifies them. We must be careful not to fall into letting others define us by adopting their terminology. This goes for all discussions where there are 'sides', especially political ones. If we must use labels, label yourself don't let others label you, and don't follow another's labeling of themselves if their label is misleading. ie: a lie is a lie, not a mis-statement or a mis-spoke.
You continuously display a proclivity for racism, as was the case with colored immigrants who were taking your jobs away. I feel sorry for the parents who are unaware that their children are receiving an education from a teacher like you.
(my edits) I seem to recall there was a leader in Germany several years back who had a similar opinion...and had a master plan, something about a "final solution". Chilling, absolutely chilling.
I was born OK the first time, how many rebirths is it going to take for you to become more understanding and less hypocritical?
I think you missed his point. He is killing the idea that you have to have an abortion so the child will grow up in a loving family. There are lot's of people waiting to adopt.....but the adoptees are all being ABORTED.