I've had my Prius for just about 4 weeks and I haven't really noticed a difference in how people drive around me. Maybe because I don't drive like the stereotypical hybrid driver. Anyways, last Friday I was on my way to a bar with a couple of my friends. I was turning on a left arrow and I noticed this car riding my tail. When we both completed the turn he changed lanes, took off, and gave me a dirty stare as he passed me. The funny thing was that when he took off all I could hear was his rice rocket muffler. To my surprise, it was a "tuned up" Honda Fit . I pulled up next to him at the next red light and just laughed at him . I get it...people with muscle or luxury cars, heck any non-hybrid owner, don't really like Prius drivers, but don't give me that non-sense while you're driving a Honda Fit. HAHAHA!
I have notice by having a hatch with no nice person and the rear vertical window it makes it appear people are following closer than something like our 12 Honda Civic. I just switch anti-glare on the rear view and ignore those that follow too closely while I am doing a reasonable speed. Most people drive unsafely and inconsiderately.
That's typical Honda driver act. Taking every chance to cut your lane, pay not respect to others, seldom follow the rules of games like signal to turn, ignore the stop sign in residential side street........... When you don't respond, their stupid brains though they won. However when you gave them dust, they will at once disappear to the side street to hide. I've had this experience a few times when driving my 98Camry V6. Those " just had the sound" civic or accord all did the same to hide away as I saw from my rearview mirror. Haha...........
I'm not convinced that this was a hybrid/Prius hater; this sounds like someone who wanted to go for a "joy ride" but then got annoyed when a traffic light and/or a slower car (yours I assume) in front prevented said joy ride from continuing, so you did just fine