I am a new owner of a 2006 Prius. While reading the owner's manual, I read that it is suggested that one have a Class D Powder-type fire extinguisher on hand. I asked about this at my Toyota dealership. The man in the Parts department had never heard of this, and thought that a class A would be sufficient to have on hand. Doe anyone out there know anything about this? I cannot find Class D extinguishers in stores near me, and now my curiousity is piqued! Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
Well, the CVT is in a magnesium case... magnesium & magnesium alloys are pretty combustible/flammable, but difficult to ignite unless it has a high surface area-to-volume ratio (i.e. if it's in really thin strips or a powder).
I was wondering if you could list the page # where it states to carry a Class D extinguisher. I could not find it in the index. In the introduction on page x it states: "If a vehicular fire occurs, extinguish it using a fire extinguisher for the exclusive use on electric fires. Or, use a large amount of water to prevent flammable gas from being generated from the batteries." Fire extinguishers for electrical fires are Class C extinguishers. Most extinguishers are rated for Class A, B, & C fires. Class D extinguishers are used for combustible metals and the extinguishing agent will be specific to only certain metals. I also referenced the Toyota Prius 2nd Generation Emergency Response Guide. It also does not reference Class D extinguishers. Many vehicles on the road today do contain combustible metals. I have fought many fires where we have applied water to these combustible metals. They do eventually go out after producing a really cool light show. I hope this helps. I will continue looking in the owner's manual in case I missed the reference you are refering to.
Just keep in mind you have 201 volt batteries too! I too have fought many car fires... the mag in a typical car is in the steering column or on 18 wheelers when they have a flat and don't stop and the tire burns hot while going 70mph and finally ignites the mag wheels! Then you get a "white" hot fire! Water just pisses Magnesium off and makes it even madder!... the only way to kill mag fires with water is to use a fog pattern and literally drown it from oxygen getting to it. A C02 extinquisher would be the most sensible I would think for the prius... powder is one nasty mess and doesn't smother well on irregular shaped objects, water can be dangerous with electricity and only spread a gas fire, and C02 will cool objects down below thier ignition temperature and smother out the oxygen to burn too and leaves no trace.
Well, I goofed, sort-of. I thought it was the Owner's Manual, but it's the 2006 Prius Scheduled Maintenance Guide, the blue booklet with the Passport to Performance title. The last sentence of the front inside cover page ( Safety Precautions ) states, " If a vehicle fire occurs, extinguish it with a Class D powder-type fire extinguisher." I am sorry for the confusion. And yes, the Owner's Manual states in several places to use an extinguisher for electrical fires. I knew I had read something about class D, and wrongly thought it was the owner's manual. Anyway, there it is. Thanks for your kind response ( and thanks to the rest of you who also gave insight ). I learned a bit about fire extinguishers and the car, being a newbie to both. I'll show the blue Maintenance Guide booklet to the Parts/Service people at my dealership so they know I wasn't dreaming it! Enjoy your Sunday. -Siver Pine P.S. -- I love my new car!!!!
I carry a small ABC extinguisher in Prius. Probably much more likely to use it on another car's fire, or never. Class D's are for specialized metal fires (mentioned above). I have read that their chemicals can be highly corrosive to electrical wiring. Would not want to have an ext in my hand and be wavering about whether to use it! If I had a big Lithium battery, you bet.
I found your reference. My guess is that someone in Toyota's Risk Management who knows nothing about extinguishers, combustible metals, or even cars insisted that it be placed in there when he found out there were combustible metals in the vehicle. Scott
I have a small Halon extinguisher for if a fire breaks out in the cabin while I'm driving. If the fire is not in the cabin, stop, get out, and run away!
I think in Germany a fire extinguisher is mandatory. I wonder what type they supply with the Prius? Any Germans around?