There have been numerous posts about mud flaps, specifically, how they might effect overall performance. No question that they work to keep the car cleaner, but have you found that: 1. they signficantly reduce your mileage, and, if so, 2. is it worth having them on even if they do reduce mileage? The preliminary posts were tentative, with Evan making the biggest contribution to the debate with his assertion that they do signifcantly affect mileage. Now that a number of us have mud flaps, we should have a better statistical base to assess their performance/benefits/drawbacks. I installed a set a month ago, and I believe they may be responsible for a decline in my mileage, from about 50-52 mpg to 47-49 while driving the same route to work each day. It's hard for me to quantify all the possible variables to determine if the flaps are the main cause, or maybe just outside temperature, etc. Before I think about removing them, I'd like to find out what some of you think based on your experiences.
I've had no noticible change in MPG before/after mud flaperizing. But then, it's only been 600 miles since they've been on. Thanks, Shawn
I'm glad you started this thread Bob. My last tank of gas was calc. at 59mpg, my prev. best being 57.7mpg (computer). The tank I was on prior to flaps I was showing 58.3 and ended with something like 55mpg. Worst case scenario I'd say it reduces mileage by 1% or less...and if I can get 59mpg in the type of mixed driving on hilly roads that I do then the impact is probably negligible. I think that 'maybe' someone who does primarily interstate cruising might notices a more consistant drop. I'm VERY glad I've got the mudflaps. I think they clearly keep the car cleaner and I'm thrilled with my mileage and can't imagine I'd be much happier even it was 1-2% better--that's really splitting hairs.
I put on my mudflaps at about 500 miles. Now have 2700. Last tank was about 54 MPG (52.5 shown), Each tank has shown slightly better mileage with my lifetime at 49.6. I'm convinced that the break in has been mostly me getting better at driving the car. Live at the end of a 600 foot gravel driveway, and would use the mud flaps in any case, but I really think that their effect is minimal...javascript:emoticon('')
I had them installed last month, and have driven from Los Angeles to San San Diego, San Diego to Phoenix, Phoenix to Los Angeles (all in one trip!). Then LA to Phoenix and back, then LA to Las Vegas and back (geez, no wonder my house is a mess...I spent all my time traveling!) and only saw my mpg go up. I was getting around 47mpg before the mudflaps and it has been hovering between 49 - 54mpg afterwards. I got my car in Feb, so it has been broken in for quite a while. My vote is that the mudflaps don't make a difference. back to housecleaning and unpacking!
i do city driving mostly so no noticeable mileage change for me. when i do go around the island for about a 60 mile drive i average 55mpg, so i'm happy. :clap: the most dramatic change is the absence of splashes of road tar/ grime or asphalt after driving in a downpour. with all the potholes here, i really needed the mud flaps and they're worth it! :wink:
My mudflaps that I ordered from have been on now about three weeks. I've seen minimal affect on mileage since installation. Before the installation I was averaging 52 mpg and that has only changed nominally to a low of 50.5 and then 51.3 but any number of driving circumstances could be attributed to the fluctuations, including possibly the mudflaps.
i just picked up the mud guards on ebay for a few bucks less than they were talked about here. i have always liked the way they keep the car cleaner... now if i only had a prius!!
mud flaps Does anyone have a picture of their car with mud flaps on? Where can I get mud flaps? Thanks
Re: mud flaps My album Evan's Prius has some photos of my Prius with mudflaps have to look close to see them despite large nice sharp photos b/c they're so OEM they're hard to see. ToyotaTown has them and various other sources. Someone got a set on Ebay for less than we've been paying at ToyotaTown.