OK, the owners manual specifically says not to use the garage door button with the old style garage door openers that pre date the federal safety regulations that changed 7/82. Of course my garage door opener was installed in 81. I guess this means I need to get a new garage door opener installed before I can program the car to be able to open it? I also noticed a warning about not carrying the fob next to a cell phone. Does that mean I can't keep the fob and my cell phone together in my purse? Springtime PS I really have been reading the manual before I drive the car.
Agreed. The buttons will work with any garage door opener. Iprogrammed my parents onto mine and it worked just fine. I even programmed my security gate as well. It's very flexible.
Well I do not have a purse, yet, who knows about the future I may be wearing a skirt, ah kilt. I keep my key in my right pocket and my beeper and cell phone on my right hip. Now I don't know how far apart your cell phone and your fob is but mine is 6" or less and I have not had a problem.
I wondered about the warning too. Actually, it says that the battery in the fob will wear down more quickly if you put it in the same vicinity as your cell phone. How long have you folks had the two things together? Have you noticed that you've had to change the batteries in the fob a lot?
Well, I haven't driven the Prius in my kilt, but I'd probably keep the keys in my sporran and the cell clipped to the kilt itself. At work I wear a uniform and I keep the cell on my left hip and the keys on my right. When I'm wearing cargo pants the keys go in one of the lower pockets, but normally on the same side as the cell (maybe 12" apart). No real problems that I've come across.
THe issue with older openers isn't Prius compatibility, but the fact that before that time, there was no law requiring the safety reverse function. New units have optical sensors and a force measurement functoin that reverses if the door closes on an obstacle. The issue with the car is that you might not have a view of the closure area when hitting the button, and Toyota doesn't want yu suing them if you crush someone. Of course the issue is the same with a remote on the visor, ut it's not TOYOTA's hardware doing the dirty deed.