Hi. My friends and I are taking off for awhile. Just saying goodbye. Enjoyed it... Bye folks. goodnight [you]!
Awwwwww shoot [you]! Are you pulling the plug and walking away so soon? Are we going to leave any of the others behind? How about me? I like it here, and besides, it's too early to go.... I'm not ready yet, but I guess you are the mastermind behind it all, so I'll follow your lead... Bye folks. Goodnight, Gracie!
Yep. It seems like the whole split-personality thing is starting to collapse, I got a little tug toward the middle and it seems like it is time to go. Anyway, thanks for all of the mashed 'taters folks. Or, as my friends would say... 'thanks for all the fish....'
Well, shit. I just got the memo. Why am I one of the last to know? Anyway, G'bye y'all! Enjoy the cover and the poster! Bye folks. Goodnight, Gracie!
whoa! road trip! Off to another place. Have fun y'all with the Prius! [wait up you guys!] Bye folks. Goodnight, Gracie!
This is your Moderator speaking. Please disregard the other posters. Everything up here in the cabin is fine. We are just going to land this plane somewhere else. Hope that everyone is enjoying their ride, and we will be arriving soon. So, please sit back and relax. We turn you over to MS-radio until we land. Goodnight, Gracie.