Hello all, New Prius owner here. I cannot find any information on this task. I've removed 3 bolts and loosened the number cover to be gridlocked by something I cannot see or just a bit more friction than the amount of force I'm willing to give for fear of breaking something. I've searched and found nothing. SCH-I545 ?
You need to remove the bumper cover or at least the top portion. Also, there is a metal tab on the lower portion on the inside of the headlight that needs to be lifted/pried up a bit with a screwdriver.
Thanks to the both of you for responding! There's a metal tab folded over the inside of the light on the side closest to the grill. It doesn't look like it's putting a lot of force on it but be assured it is. You have to pry it up a bit to get it loose and you are on your way. SCH-I545 ?
Yeah, do not just yank it out of there without prying up that metal tab. Doing so can damage the seals or crack the headlight assemblies. I learned this the hard way from another member of this forum who was trying to be helpful but didn't really know what he was doing...
I did not bend or pry up any metal tab but I can see how it could help. I remember giving a good pull horizontally and pulling the light assembly from under that tab. DON"T : Stand in front of the car and pull straight forward. With the bumper off stand in front of the wheel cover and pull slighting wiggle it away from the fender. UPDATE: I agree bend the tab would make it easier.
There can be differences in experience from user to user. But unless you need to remove the bumper for something else it's much easier to pry up the metal tab. SCH-I545 ?
For reference, this link shows the best way to remove them: DIY: How to black-out the headlights on a 2010+ Prius | Balancing Act