No, they're not. In fact, the current regime - the word government is too good for them - is repealing and dismantling environmental protections as fast as they can. Victories we thought were won decades ago have been ripped out from under us. The so-called 'externalities' may be difficult to ascertain, but they are most definitely not zero. When we treat the essentials of life as worthless, which is what we do by giving them an economic value of zero, the destruction of our environment is inevitable. But now, we're straying into economics.....
I've been doing some research on fracking. I came across this film, which I haven't seen yet, but intend to.
Texas fracking suits ... the saga continues, tho this one isn't Exxon head related: Fracking goes on trial today# .
Not even remotely related. This case is about property and pollution rights. Aruba did what most people consider an illegal act, but had lawyers support it, drilled on a homeowners land without permission claiming the homeowner did not have the mineral rights, as if drilling there was ok. I believe that since this came up the texas legislature has made it illegal, but I am not sure. Aruba engaged in what I believe is the ultimate bad neighbor policy. If they lose, which I hope they do, it won't really do anything to the fracking industry.