I scratched my baby last weekend when I scraped a tree backing her out of a driveway. The rear plastic quarterpanel (well, the part that contains the bumper which wraps all the way around), and the metal above and forward of it are scratched. Can somebody recommend a good body shop in the LA area (westside preferred) who'd do a good job in repairing it? Thanks!
Keyes Collision Center in Van Nuys is a certified Prius repair facility. They have state of the art equipment. They knew enough to insist that my insurance carrier pay to remove and reinstall the HV battery so that it will not be damaged by the heat of the spray booth. The paint match is perfect. If you insist on a shop on the West Side, Golden Hammer is the most reputable body shop in that part of town.
I can highly recommend Piper's Body Shop on Overland, between Pico and Venice (much closer to Venice). Have handled all of our problems for years, including the scratch I also put in my few week old 05. Ted quote=rightonbro,Mar 1 2006, 10:59 PM] I scratched my baby last weekend when I scraped a tree backing her out of a driveway. The rear plastic quarterpanel (well, the part that contains the bumper which wraps all the way around), and the metal above and forward of it are scratched. Can somebody recommend a good body shop in the LA area (westside preferred) who'd do a good job in repairing it? Thanks! [snapback]218980[/snapback][/quote]