2010 Prius 3. My wife usually drives the car and I have her iPhone selected. Is there a quick way for me to switch to mine and then back to hers when I drive? I hate pushing the voice control and going back and forth with the assistant... iPhone ?
You're talking about switching between phones when you're both in the car? When both of us are in the car it automatically connects to my wife's phone because she drives alone most often. But when I drive alone it automatically connects to my phone. I haven't figured out how to switch between phones when we're both in the car.
Interesting topic. I had my wife Iphone 4S connecting to phone and my Iphone 4S connecting to bluetooth audio automatically almost at all times
Switch the Bluetooth in her phone OFF; then it should lock onto yours. Turn her Bluetooth back ON. It should connect only to the first one it sees.
I don't think it works that way. It's not smart enough to switch on its own. Anybody confirm this on a 2010 model III? No nav. My 2008 sienna worked this same way. It is annoying because if I get in and switch it to my phone, I can't switch it back to hers when I get out. Her phone has to be present. So result is she gets in car a day later and says my phone does not work!?$. Bad design or dumb user ? Any ideas? iPhone ?
In the Fusion we can just go to the Phone section of MyFord Touch when we're both in the car and click on the phone we want connected and the car will switch. The Entune system is much more cumbersome and harder to navigate. Does Toyota have anything similar to that to switch between connected phones when both are in the car?
In my 2010 III with Nav the phone tries to re-pair with the last phone connected. The easiest way for me to change is to hit the Talk button on the steering wheel, hit the Connect Phone button on the Nav screen and then select the phone that I want to connect. I am not sure how you do this without the Nav.
OK, maybe I worded wrong. With car OFF and more than one phone on the paired list, I think it is SUPPOSED to look for both phones when turned ON and connect to the first one it finds. Maybe it isn't doing what it is supposed to do.......or maybe I misunderstand. I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
The OP is talking about his 2010. In my 2010 the phone bluetooth is not smart enough to look for which phone is turned on. It states in the NAV manual that it attempts to re-pair with the last connected phone. To pair with another phone it has to be switched manually. This is how my system works with my wife's phone and my phone. The OP indicates that his 2010 III is without Nav so I am not sure how he has to manually switch phones. I switch mine through a Connect Phone button on my Nav. Maybe the newer systems are smarter than the 2010's.
The way I've switched it is to hit the steering wheel talk button and then hit the dash knob and menu over to Phone setup, then switch phones, and the click. Or use voice command. Both options suck pretty badly, but worst of all is the switch back to her phone when I get out. You can't do it without having her phone present. Which means, when she heads out the next day (Prius is a shared utility car) it is no longer paired with her phone and she does not care to learn how to do the chicken dance...
We have a Persona with Nav and I couldn't figure out how to switch between phones when my wife and I were both in the car yesterday. I clicked through all the setup menus, used the voice commands and the phone menu...nothing apparent. Entune is a terrible system! I can't believe that outlets like Consumer Reports don't ding Toyota for this terrible system when they go around lowering other ratings because of their system.
I have a Note III and an IPhone 4 paired with the new car, for me to switch back and forth I have to shut the BT off on one, then got to the paired device list and manually conect to the other when already driving. before I get in the car or turn it on switching one phone BT off will auto connect to the one thats on. I havent been able to switch back and forth with both BT on so far.