I called Millenium Toyota in Hempstead, NY, who advertises itself to be NY's largest toyota dealer. They are not even taking orders for the Prius. Interestingly, they did have one that i could see and test drive, if i want, which I will probably do over the weekend or something.
I spoke with an internet manager at a local dealer on Saturday. He said that, although they are taking orders, everyone is being told to expect a 12-14 month wait.
Northway Toyota of Latham stopped taking order months ago, and have not started taking '05s cause of lack of a set invoice price.
I just placed a $500 deposit for a prius on Long Island. I was told there would be a 1-2 year wait. I am cconsidering calling dealers further up state. Hopefully they will have less people on the waiting lists. I have heard the lists are shorter in more rural areas particularly parts of MA and WV.
its definitely true about WV. i should have mine from there in a couple of weeks, a month earlier than they said when i ordered, and less than 2 months after ordering it.
The dealer I ordered from did not give me a price after i put down a $500 refundable deposit. The receipt states price TBD. When I was at the dealership I was told the price would be based on MSRP at the time that my order comes in, which would be in excess of 1 year, possibly 2. Is there any way of knowing if the dealer will mark up the price when my order comes in? I would hate to find out i waited a year or two for nothing. I will not buy the car if i'm told it is being marked way up when it comes in.
Get it in writing - have them write "MSRP" in the price field. If they're not going to go ahead and quote you MSRP then I'd say screw em and go look for another dealer - where you'll definitely get your car before that timeframe, anyway.
I think that you can pretty much be guaranteed that the dealer will mark it up if they are not saying they will sell at MSRP, unless of course the demand is way down by that time. In my opinion, you need the following to have a good order: 1. A price set (and it can be a relative price such as "MSRP +$45 doc + tax + DMV title costs") 2. A selection of color(s). 3. A selection of package(s). 4. An order date. 5. A deposit placed. 6. All of the above in writing. As well, it would be nice to get in writing something to the effect that the dealer will not sell the color/options to anyone who didn't order before you unless you decline that car. Placing the order is the time to shop around and find the best deal, because you have a choice of any dealer anywhere anytime. Once the car arrives you only have the choice of that dealer at that time, or nothing.
I ordered my Prius from Norm Wagner toyota in MA last week. $1,000 refundable deposit. I recieved a receipt for my deposit middle of this week and was told the wait would be 2-4 months maximum. Much better than 1-2 years on Long Island, so I will take the road trip. I was told the car would be sold at MSRP, but did not receive anything in writing. I called friday to ask for a written price and was told they would send something stating the price will be MSRP. The people at the dealership seem very friendly. Now I just hope everything goes smoothly.
my salsa #9 was allocated last week and so should be reaching my dealer in barboursville, WV next week or so... at MSRP
7 month wait coming to an end; Long Island I put a deposit down in December, and got the call this week that I could take delivery at the end of June (Smithtown Toyota). I hadn't planned on spending for package #9, and wanted a different color, but my 10 year old car is ready enough for the retirement home that I decided to take it.
congrats! i should be getting mine about the same time, but i ordered in april and have to go to WV to pick up... i wanted the #9 so i'ts ok with me
CA Bay Area Fremont Toyota may have some... but at a price $ i got a call a few days ago from the salesman from whom i bought mine, and he said he had three available. all option 9, i think, but they wanted to put the $5999 leather interior in, and would only knock about 4k off if you didn't want leather! i told him i didn't know anyone who'd go for that, except me, but if someone has the loot and is willing to cough it up, give them a call! and before you flame me about "dealers selling over list", i'd like to share a quote with you from a reader's letter to Money Magazine, regarding the stratospheric price of the Ford GT.... case closed. supply and demand. sorry.
no flames from me. it's a personal decision. and obviously one has to have the money to spend... after that, as you said, supply and demand.