2006 Red Pruis

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Sophie_Simone, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. Sophie_Simone

    Sophie_Simone New Member

    Feb 26, 2006
    My husband and I signed up for a Prius 2006 which was supose to come in by Nov, however my dealer called me on the first week of Feb and told me there was a Red Prius avaliable. Granted they sold me one package higher than what we specified but We think IT'S GREAT!!!! We love it!!!! My husband and I purchased a Prius in 2003 and were hooked on getting another Prius. We named our Priuses, Sophie, white 2003, and Simone, red 2006. They are both girls because of their GPS voices.
    I have a freind who owns a 2006 Corvette Z06, who just thought the Prius was "cute". After seeing Simone, he was impressed enough to consider a prius for a future car. He was most impressed with the Prius technology.
  2. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hello and Welcome to PriusChat!

    I am sure that you will Simone as much, if not more than Sophie. Although, it may not be fair to say that you love one more than the other.

    The '06 red is beautiful! I originally wanted red when we were shopping last year, but the Salsa was not nearly "red" enough to suit me and the light ivory only interior option kind of sealed the deal, so I got silver instead.

    Did you get the pkg 8? I don't know where you folks are, but here in the Los Angeles area, I found that when I was looking last year, for every pkg 3 (the one we could afford) I found 10 pkg 6's. Seems like the tend to get more of the bells and whistles versions, but on the up side you did get the bels and whistles!

    The '04 - '06's are really a whole different car than the classics ('01 - '03). You will be amazed by the amount of space the car has.

    As for your friend the 'vette owner, I am sure that having met Sophie and now Simone he will be coming around sooner even than he expects.

    Again, welcome to our wonderful PriusChat community. I fel sure that I can speak for every one when I say we are thrilled to have you here and to add yet another branch to our Prius family tree!

    Take care and enjoy!

  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Too Kwell!.....

    As you can see, I have the same car as you!... I am sooo glad I waited!.....
    I think the blue would have been my second choice, and my wife got the Silver Pine Mica...

    And some say the red is hard to keep clean. I haven't felt that way so far.
    I see it as a beautiful gemstone.... it may be hard to keep clean, but its worth it to get the look it gives!

    That may not be that big of a deal with some folks, but Wow!.. the red is quite stunning in the sun as a brilliant flash of bold color or in the dusk when it turns to a deep candy apple red that seems to glow.

    I'm quite impressed with this car too!... believe me, if you think you have it figured out, its only because its so good that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to drive it.

    The more I learn about this car, the more I realize I have yet to learn.. its quite amazing compared to the stone age chariots around us!

    I can't see going back..... my heart would never be in it.
  4. Sophie_Simone

    Sophie_Simone New Member

    Feb 26, 2006
    Its a pkg #8.. if we passed it up that package we would have waited till Nov 06.
    I'm really impressed with its technology and the voice recognition feature!.. the spaceship look is a plus.. I also like how the red color changes in shade to sunlight!
  5. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Almost like having two cars with two different colors... quite the personality!...
    I see that as a plus too.
  6. Greenpiece

    Greenpiece New Member

    Mar 4, 2006
    Congrats on your new purchase. :D What a wonderful car.

    I'm sure glad you showed this Corvette guy the way. :) There are waaaaay too many of us driving gas guzzling, ozone killing, obnoxious American muscle and should be more aware of the environment. :p Maybe he'll follow your lead and learn more about how to keep our environment clean. :D
