Treat it as an image. Put "img" in brackets before it and "/img" in brackets after it. As for removing the bulb cover, I'm not sure that'll do what we want by itself. Need more photons! Why they couldn't have made all the marker lights LED is beyond me!
Yep, that works. Thanks! I took a closer look at the taillamp and the bulb cover is actually a plastic plate that is part of the taillight assembly. It doesn't look like anything that one can alter. So bring on the photons Scotty.
At first blush it might seem like an odd thing to do, but it makes perfect sense. The Prius has no transmission as we normally think of, but instead has a fixed set of gears that never shift, clutch, or change ratio. The way a low effective ratio is achieved is by divirting power from the engine through MG1 which in turn powers MG2 to help drive the wheels. Since MG1 is connected to the sun gear at the center of the planetary gear set, spinning MG1 allows the ICE to run at a higher RPM relative to the wheel speed, which is exactly what happens in a low gear. As wheel speed increases, less power is diverted through MG1 (unless it is being used to charge the battery), so the ICE sees a higher effective gear ratio, letting it continue to run at optimum RPM. If more torque is needed, the battery kicks in. It is a very elegant system. Tom
Thanks, Tom. I *sort* of knew that, I just didn't realize that the indication of that would be the arrows as I described. Cool.
About the best thing I could imagine would be making the EV mode controller out of it. Anybody yet know what signal is sent, and to where? Man, if that thing is sending a ground-switch signal, it would be slick to intercept it and use it for EV mode. That might be enough for me to NOT buy the factory EV switch...
I would be interested in that myself for my 06 #5. If it were as easy as getting the coastal switch and installing it to different pins, I would be game. I'll let the smarter folks here figure that one out.
Well, I suppose one could use it to go to the MAP screen, no? It is the fastest way back to 'real time' map mode. And as to your Cruise Control rant, HEAR HEAR. It works exactly the same as my wife's Subaru (soon to be replaced with an '06 Prius ). Master has to be turned on every time, no indication you have set a cruise speed. LOSES the set speed if you stop. Might even lose it if you drop below 20 or 25 MPH but I'm not positive on that.
bruceha, the map button would work like that if I had NAV, but I don't. Packages 5 and 6 in 2006 have the map button on the steering wheel, but as far as I can tell, it has no function. Sorry if I wasn't specific in my post.
Correct! We have a MAP button on the wheel that does nothing. So in my book that leaves TWO useless buttons in my car so far. Map and mph/kph. Be nice to put them to use instead of just adding buttons for all these other things. The IDEAL use of that mph button would be to have it switch the reverse camera on! Oooh, boy... do I need the wiring diagram!