No one here in orange county, ca takes those fresh n easy hybrid parking signs seriously. More often than not there's a big suv parked in it. It doesn't even seem like an act of's like people literally see it, and dismiss it entirely
Swell. By definition, my EV doesn't qualify - it doesn't use fuel, and it is zero - not "low" emissions. We have hybrid parking only spots popping up all over the place. But no new EV parking. What gives? How about even MORE love for the folks who aren't using gasoline?
I'm almost afraid to google it to find out what sort of products are sold at a "Fresh & Easy." I think I'll just enjoy my thoughts a while longer....
I went to the newly built Fresh & Easy just down my street for the first time. People here do follow the parking policy set by F&E. The parking lot was full of cars. The 2 space reserved for hybrids were not taken. There are also 4 reserved spaces for people with kids were also empty.
They have special hybrid parking in Chicago at Home Depot on Canal/Roosevelt, and at Whole Foods near North Ave. (next to the river). Both are prime spots near the entrance. But of course it's not monitored. I was horrified to find a gas-guzzling SUV parked in Whole Foods' hybrid spot once.
I'm curious to know how many non-designers know about LEED and LEED certification for buildings. I suspect the reason those companies have Hybrid and EV plug in spaces near their front doors is that this contributes a point to LEED certification of their buildings which many companies are trying to achieve. The top certification is LEED Platinum which is very difficult to achieve (probably impossible) without the designated spaces.
Are those spots (like the hybrid parking and family parking spots at fresh and easy) legally enforceable? I wouldn't think so, but that post about LEED certification makes me wonder
parking lots are private property. So they have the right to decide who parks where. Its the same thing as a business or a school requiring parking permits to park on the lot. if you don't have one, you get your car towed or pay a fine. Free Parking is not a right. Its the same thing with "employee of the month reserved parking" and things like that.
In south Florida where I spend a few months away from NY they have low emission parking spots. The problem is that most people don't know if their vehicle qualifies. A few weeks ago I saw a late model BMW parked there and I'm not even sure or its status. There is a $30 fine but it's never enforced. I
We went to IKEA a couple of weeks ago. Usually I park out in the boonies to protect my car which perplexes my wife. Anyway, saw some nice "fuel efficient vehicle only" parking right at the front of the store. It was mostly empty when I got there and thought that being Ohio there shouldn't be too much demand. Right after we exited the car, a mid sized Kia came pulling in next to me (non-hybrid) and probably ~30MPG. When we left the store, the spots were full and y Prius was the only "fuel efficient" car in the designated area. Fortunately, my car was unscathed. I just left shaking my head...
I don't think its done maliciously. I think the drivers genuinely feel that their cars are fuel efficient because they get 30 mpg Highway. The signs are truly ambiguous. The signs should read HYBRID OR ELECTRONIC VEHICLES ONLY. ALL OTHERS WILL BE TOWED!!! XT1053 ?