whatsapp out telegram in facebook buys whatsapp what do you do i moved to the telegram app its just like whatsapp telegram.org. the have better security and offer anyone able to hack it 200.000 bitcoins and ofcourse a redo of the code to make it more secure. you can also send P2P messages with personal ecryption making it more save if you dont want facebook or google watching your messages
if only one person would go to telegram because of this its ok to me. facebook buys whatsapp and now can link all the phone number to poeples that liked maybe to stay anonymous. or even just dont want them to collect al the information about you. even if you dont have anything to hide you maybe just dont like that. then looking at the NSA, snowden or for what that any againcy is collecting information under the name "for security " where ts also been uses for economical warfare. My other thread "freedom off speech on PC | PriusChat" was not to bash PC or danny ( did not even use his name ) it as just a outing of my concern that i put out in a short topic title and message. and if its the case that facebook would hold PC to some rules then that would mean that PC would also be ruled by rules setup by facebook. i dont know if thats the case i was just wurried about it. and try to message danny, i have not gotten a reply last few times i messaged ( maybe also servers downs? a lot of them apparently ) this topic can be closed now, people can read about where tot find telegram and to prevent any bashing. but i dont care if it stays open freedom of speech ;-) btw telegram offers 200.000 bitcoins to anyone ho can break there encryption and ofcourse after that improve it also point to point encryption is posible without servers holding your messages.
I also migrated to telegram when this happened, But I was wondering what if Facebook ever bought telegram too?
Nope. If FB had bought it, they would have applied the same content restrictions as FB's other apps, and it would not have become a refuge for the alt-right.
I have no interest in either. I don't know what telegram is and have no interest in finding out. Some of our family use Facebook so I at least know what it is even though I have never used it.