I've been driving around with mine set on "Medium" and it seems to adjust the radio volume fairly well switching from freeway to city streets. I was wondering what others had experienced. I wish the balance between CD and the radio were better but I guess that is also dependent on how the audio CD was mastered.
sooo that's what that means. i never really noticed. my parents infiniti has that feature, but i never knew we had it. now i'm gonna mess with. thanks for the heads up!
According to the manual, the 06's with the premium JBL don't have any adjustment to the ASL. It's either on or off. As far as I can tell, it doesn't work in my car. I think it should at least have three differnt sensitivity settings. Perhaps the quietness of the Prius doesn't help matters with it's stealthy quietness, but I have to turn the radio down when coming to a stop.
Gee, I'm comparing the sound levels to my other car, a 2000 Civic. The volume level change is very noticeable when I pull off the freeway and reach city streets. Perhaps, its the overall quieter operation of the Prius that I'm observing. Back to roads to test the other ASL settings... Maybe it doesn't really do anything and I'm imagining it!
ASL works fine in mine. I definitely can tell the difference. I notice most that I do not have to turn the volume up when going from town to freeway driving. I tend to use the lowest of the three settings. Take care, :lol: