2008 Gen II problem. On Saturday I had to get new tires and when I picked the car up they had placed the key in the slot. Then, when I stopped it and got out the car would not start without the key in the slot, and this was consistent over the next day or so. I put in a new battery, CR2032, which should work. Now the buttons are working but the car still won't start unless I insert the fob in the slot. I also noticed that the doors wouldn't unlock by touching the handle, but the remote unlock button did it. Is it possible that something was done to my car unintentionally while it was at the garage that changed the programming? Any other ideas? Thanks.
Yes they left the doors open and your marginal 12 volt battery went dead. The little one on the passenger side in the trunk. Is it the original battery and how many times have you had to jump start the car? I recommend you get a voltmeter and measure across the jump points under the hood in the black plastic fuse box on the drivers side. Read the manual for the positive jump point and measure to ground. DC.
When the FOB is inserted it Deactivates the SKS function. Push SKS button twice , turns off and back on. Page 33 of owners manual.