Had bought a brand new, still in Toyota product bag, key fob online from a dealership (that offered a better price!). Per the instructions they listed, all the back fob label info matched up exactly for this being a SKS/smart key replacement. But... when I had the shop program the key, it only works with proximity. If I turn off the sks option and insert the key into the slot, the car will not recognize it. Before I cry wolf to the place who sold it to me (they are fully willing to accept returns, so no issue on that note), I wanted to check with folks here and see if there is some quirk to issues like this and trying to get a new key fob working. Thanks
This is what you need to do, it's 2 step programming. You only did one step, here is the other. 1. Insert old fob into slot and remove it 4 times in a row, and insert it a fifth time but leave it in there! 2. Open and close driver door 6 times. 3. Remove old fob from slot. Car is in fob programming mode at this point. Red anti-theft light remains on. 4. Insert new fob and leave in the slot for a full minute. Watch the blinking red anti-theft light on the dashboard. When it stops flashing and goes dark, your new fob is all set. 5. Remove the new fob and you're done.
Thanks! Just curious though, wouldn't this be wrapped up in the same process used to program the car at the dealer?
yes they obviously didn't do that step. I've done it quite a few times so I know it's a 2 step process. Others have the problem the other way around...the slot works and smart key functions don't work. If your key was brand new, then you won't have any problems programming it.
Interesting. With this being the 2nd time the same tech programmed it, I would think he would have caught this as being needed!
not sure if you still have the issue, and I'm well aware it's an old thread, but in case it's still useful to anyone, here's the video of what JC above suggested to do in order to get the new fob programmed by the car:
i have 08 with sks with silver logo on the back of the fob,, where did u buy one that was able to be programmed?
Camelback toyota is what I use. $103.xx called electronic transmitter. Buy $150 and get free shipping. SM-N900P ?
Only if you currently have a working sks fob. The new one can copy your working one. If you don't have a working one now, the new one can't be programmed by the method shown SM-N900P ?
thanks for ur help will order one on monday ,,, is there a limit to how many fobs for one car ,, i wuld like to have one for my wife an at work an spare at home ad well as one to carr with me for a total 4 or 5 fobs for the same car