I has been a two month process. All the while he hasn't seen it. I stripped his bedroom and assembled it in his room while he was at daycare. It has a 12 volt inverter, working lights and soon to have a car stereo in it (when he is old enough) The look on his face was absolutely priceless. I couldn't get him out of it at dinner time. He just laid there. This big old bald nice person daddy cried a little at how excited he was. Parenthood doesn't have a handbook (let alone single parenthood) but it is the most rewarding adventure I've ever had. All he talks about is his firetruck now. iPhone ?
Super cuteee. Your son is lucky to have such an handy and amazing dad. Good job. It looks so professional. Should've made him a Prius bed frame : ) jking. SPH-D710 ?
Good job! Awesome fire truck bed. I have a son that is also doing the single dad thing with his daughter. I admire you for doing this.
Great job! As a hobbyist woodworker myself, I commend you. Did you get the plans off the Internet? SCH-I535
Great Job. Reminded me of a bit of my childhood. When my brother was very little...toddler age..one of his first fascinations or favorite toys was a Red Fire Truck. He was constantly playing with it. Unfortunately when he was very little he had a bit of a speech impediment (he outgrew it rapidly) but for some reason he would say.... " I'm going to play with my Red Fire Fruck!"....and sometimes/often he left the "r" out of Fruck...... This often shocked visitors and grandparents. But try as we might it was always a Red Fire....F(r)uck. Guess we are all just happy he didn't grow up to be a Long Distance F(r)ucker!. Anyway, ----assuming your son does not have that problem...and fantastic job on the bed.
I saw some pictures on the internet of a similar design. I added about 2 feet off the end so I could put a driving area with a steering wheel. Going to put the car stereo up front as well iPhone ?
Thanks. A Prius is cool and all.....but...... A firetruck is awesome lol. I am a volunteer firefighter where I live and mini man spends a ton of time at the department with me. Every morning when we wake up he's asks to see the firetruck. It was only appropriate to make him one. iPhone ?
Looking at the B pillars, how strong are they? Might be a bit tall and thin? Is that 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch plywood? I see the grab handle on it. Seems like a good place to back it with a piece of hardwood on the back of both B pillars from the roof down to the mattress. SCH-I535
It's 3/4 cabinet grade. There are 2x4's going side to side up top. It has a little flex, but not too much to concern me. iPhone ?
Best Dad award winning!!! That is so cool, what a great gift and memory for your son to have. The only thing I would change, is to stick a few "Hybrid Synergy Drive" badges on the firetrucks fenders...
Oh trust me, our pumpers don't exactly get fuel mileage. I've been known to run though 3/4 tank on a working house fire (100 gallons) iPhone ?
Now I think it would be hilarious to stick a few Hybrid Synergy Drive emblems on that truck!! Talk about real irony....
cool job... many years ago I built a doll house for my daughter took about a year, and gave it to her on christmas morning, furniture lights, ect.. talk about being happy... In you photo with the steering wheel you look a bit like Jamie Hyneman from mythbusters....
I like the OBX in your signature I doubt many on here know that is an abbreviation for the Outer Banks.