Noticed that in my 2011 Prius, in the SirrusXm satelite mode that the song titles and name only display half way across, clipping off title and name remainder from midpoint to right side. Display works fine for navigatin, backup, AM/FM etc, just the satelite display has "problem". Is this normal or is something wrong with Sirrus tuner that it won't send whole title and name through to display?
If you note carefully, a band with a short name, with a short song title will be seen. I think 13 characters is the most characters the screen will display. I may be off + or - 1/2 characters. I know some systems will scroll the full song title in the limited display screen! My 08 screen will not do more than 9 characters! C'est la vie! It 's the way the radio was designed!
Agree with you. Tonight I counted 16 characters max for either line. On the other hand, we listen to 40 on 4, 50 on 5, and 60 on 6, so we make a game of trying to complete the title and/or singer/groups.
Yes, it is 16 characters on SAT radio. It is interesting that the AUX USB memory stick will display the full title!