I spoke to my friend who is a Prius owner (2006 Prius) and he said he occassionaly has a problem when he shifts into reverse. He told me that when he moves the gear shift into reverse sometimes the car does not go into reverse. Has anyone had this problem with their car?
Yes I have but is it a problem? I am not sure because when it happens, I turn the car off and try again and it always works. Allan de
I find when that happens, I forgot to step on the Brake first. :huh: If you don't step on the brake, either nothing happens (if you're in park) or the car goes into neutral. Either way, you have a no reverse. I love the stoopid beep. Lisa
Here's another possibility -- when I first got my Prius, I would sometimes fail to move the shifter all the way into position when shifting to Drive (I never had that problem with Reverse, for some reason).
Yes, I tend to quickly hit the shift lever and sometimes doesn't go into reverse. I realize by the silence that it isn't. I then move the lever more slowly and it works.
Never had a problem with the three that we've owned. The shift mechanism is a very critically adjusted mechanism with several micro switchs and a "do not dissamble" note in the service manual. If your having trouble shifting it either into forward or reverse it's time to take it to the dealer.
The problem usually isn't with the Shift Mechanism. It is usually with the Loose Nut Behind the Wheel. <_< Lisa
Yeah, I've found that if I smack the lever up into R quickly it doesn't always shift into reverse. I'm more methodical about it now and I don't have that problem anymore. Same thing used to happen with D as well.
as a side note a long time ago an airline pilot told me you have to stay far enough in front of the plane so nothing has to happen fast. When we were flying every move he made was slow and deliberate. Nothing fast or sudden. That's how I try to drive my Prius.
Only happens to me when the ready light has not stopped flashing...have to train myself to wait just a second longer...but I can't wait for the fun to begin!
You know I'm on my 2nd gen2 prius and i never had to wait for the ready light... it always instantly goes to ready ... At what circumstance would it blink ?
I, also, sometimes find that I'll hit the Power button, then put my hand down to the shifter to try to throw it into reverse. If I do that too quickly, the car hasn't "booted up," so it won't go into reverse.
Yes, I do this every now and then. I did it yesterday while trying to leave the bank parking lot quickly b/c there was a lot of parking lot traffic, and thought I'd knocked it into drive but accidentally went into neutral and was wondering why the car wouldn't move when I stepped on the accelerator. The guy in the SUV that was waiting for me to move didn't appreciate the hesitation too much. It has happened when I've attempted to go into reverse also. I just have to learn to sloooow down when I'm shifting...it's not the car, it's me.
It has happened to me, too. Usually for one of two reasons, I hit the knob too soon after I've hit the power button and the car isn't ready to be put into reverse. The other reason is because I move the knob too quickly and don't give it a chance to "connect". I guess I need to cool my jets, man!
Yes, I'm still having that problem occasionally, slapping it too quickly, and it doesn't engage. I'm assuming the ECU has a certain minimum time the contact has to be made for it to consider it a valid command. Just tell your friend not to be in such a hurry!
It seems to be a timing issue. The car will ignore a reverse when startup hasn't completed. Also, it will ignore a reverse when the nob is flicked quickly. What I can't understand is, Why Toyota didn't simply use push buttons to select the drive modes? There is plenty of space, Start and Park are already a push buttons, and engagement would be certain in all circumstances. Bad ergonomics (along with the cruise control stalk on the steering wheel).
My problem is that I keep wanting to shift up for drive and down for reverse. It seems more logical to me. I am sure that I will get used to it in just a few days. I have only had the car for 2 days. Until I get used to it I will keep the reverse beep activated as a reminder.
I think Lisa had it right right out of the chute. When I first got my 06 a month back, I wondered why I was having a problem getting it into reverse. So I'd shut down the power and try again....then it hit me that it always went into reverse when my foot was on the brake pedal - and never when my foot was off it. Speed of the hand putting the shifter into reverse didn't matter at all. No more problem over here.....Just remember, keep your foot on the brake pedal when shifting into reverse.