Danny now may be a good time for you to become self-employed. Imagine...no more idiot bosses to yank your vacations out from under you. If you work from home no more commute, no more suit and tie. There are some down sides from self-employment the first couple of years...the uncertainty of a steady income for instance, but once you get rolling you'll never look back!
I concur. And in my case the answer is YES . . . self-employed and home-based for 9+ years. The benefits far outweigh the negatives. I could even take time off and go to the NCAA tourney if I so wanted . . . and not worry if I had a job when I returned. Office politics for me consists of dealing with a demanding Siamese cat . . . which is much more enjoyable than dealing with demanding, obnoxious, or rude office co-workers. The commute – all of its 25 feet of it - can't be beat . . . that is, unless you would really miss the commute in the Prius that much. :mellow: My wife loves the fact that I am available to do errands which she can't get to during normal work hours. I love the fact that I am available at a moment's notice for my elderly parents, no matter how big or small their need may be - I am there. Danny, if you wish to try self-employment, you could always try part-time employment and use the rest of the time to build your own business. You could inquire at a temp agency regarding the demand for someone with your skill set. It never hurts to ask.
Wow, see what I miss for having a 103 fever for two days. Looks like I wouldn't have been able to get my fix anyway! Thanks for all the hard work, Danny!
I missed the downtime too. I was busy driving my brand new Prius from Mesa, AZ where I bought it back to Albuquerque. I really wanted to thank you for this site. I have learned so much and know that I have barely even started yet. Scott