If I leave my Honda hybrid sit, the NiMH battery self-discharges and after 60 days there's a risk the weaker cells will be driven into reverse (negative voltage). Is the same true for the Prius G3? G2? G1? I'm curious if the various Priuses have the same deficiency as the Honda Insights and Civic batteries? Thanks :-D
Prius Gen3 can stay for several months without problem. It is described somewhere else - don't remember for how many. My car during previous winter was hibernated for two months - not even one bar dropped from SOC indicator. The other story is 12v battery - it requires more frequent attention.
WE0H, a member here has his Gen III sitting all winter with no appreciable discharge or ill effects that he's made anyone aware of. It's pretty bullet proof in that respect.
The Honda's battery gauge also shows full bars, even if the battery has drained near-empty while sitting. The meter does not update while turned-off and it sounds like the Prius may be the same. The meter does not realize the battery has emptied itself until several miles down the road (and then resets from full to near-empty).
Someone look up how long my car sat last winter and spring. The Prius HV battery meter reads real time. My battery lasted well over 6 months. It is sitting now in my garage. I force charged it last fall. The winter before I just drove it around in the fall and parked it with an indicated full charge. There is a post around here that said what the charge was last June when I took it out of storage. It was either still full or down one bar. Mike Somewhere on my phone ;-)
My Gen 3 has sat since early October and I have started it twice since. Both times no drop on the battery bars.