I just bought a 2014 Prius Four with the solar roof package. Included in the solar roof package is the Heads Up Display (HUD) feature, which I didn't really care about, but it was there anyway, and I didn't give it much thought. However, what I have found is that it creates a large amount of glare on the windshield directly in my line of sight. The windshield defroster vent creates glare too, but it is lower and not right in the line of sight. I think the glare is primarily from the large frame-like border around the hole in the upper part of the dash that projects the HUD. I wish that Toyota could have somehow just made a simple hole in the upper dash without that big border around it, thus minimizing the glare. Of course, there's nothing I can do about it. But I just wanted to point this out to any of you thinking of getting an option package that includes the HUD.
You get used to it. I have HUD on all the time and don't even really notice it's there now, it's become something that just seems normal.
In that picture, glare from the HUD and defroster is the least of your worries. The sun is at the perfect angle to block your forward vision, HUD or not.
I hated the HUD in my PIP Advanced. The display was too blurry and the plastic trim rattled such that I had to wedge a piece of paper in between it and the dash. 13yrs ago I had a HUD on my Corvette and it was fantastic. Just a poor execution on Toyota's part.
The HUD is the best invention in a car in decades You don't have to take your eyes off the road for even a second to check your speed. Great
I used to have a similar problem with my LeMans. Lots of chrome around the dash, lots of points of glare on the windshield. I bought a small can of flat black paint and a fine point brush. Cleared it right up.
I have a 2012 Prius Advance with the HUD. In one year of ownership, I've never had an issue with the windshield glare in your photo. While I can't dispute the glare shown, it's the result of the unique angle of your Prius in relation to the sun at that moment. It would be hard to duplicate if you tried. I find nothing wrong with the Toyota HUD, it's location, foot print, or windshield glare. I keep mine on and use it daily.
HUD is awesome. I love that it can show the power meter at all times regardless of what the main display is doing. Quite often I have cruise control on and the power meter is never on the main display when that's turned on.
One of my pet peeves is the way the display has the distance bars showing when the DRCC is engaged. Sure, you can hit the display button on the steering wheel, but as soon as a car cuts in too close, up pops those distance bars. Ughh!
Yeah there's just no way to keep anything on the display other than the drcc screen when the cruise is set. It's just a constant fight, so I don't bother. That's why it's nice the hud can show some useful info all the time.
I am the OP, and yes the pic I posted was in the sun. But the same thing happens on a cloudy day, just somewhat less of it. It's virtually all the time, except at night.
You must be unfortunate in that the angle of the windshield and the height you sit at coincides to produce optimum reflection of the dash and HUD bezel. Try adjusting your seat height up or down to see if that helps. SCH-I535
Like Media said, once you get used to it, it'll seem like second nature. I've got HUD on my Z06 and love it. Wish that the HUD option was a available even on the two models
I think this might help it situation. My wife said the same thing & the min I adjusted her seat, all was good. VS980 4G ?
I do not know, maybe there's something different about the 2014 Prius. Here is a picture on a very cloudy day just before a storm. The glare from the HUD frame on the dashboard is there all the time and doesn't appear to be about the sun. The only time it's not there is at night. The angle, height, etc. of the seat doesn't make any difference. Go figure.
The fact that there is a black hole in the IP sorta accounts for the vivid reflection. It's like a mole on the end of your nose.