If I buy a used keyfob on Ebay can I reprogram it to my car if it is already programmed for another car?
Make sure to get the proper one for your car though. I recall seeing a post that a non-SKS fob won't work on a SKS car, and vice-versa. You also would need to get the "key" part of the fob re-cut for your car (I don't actually know if they sell those seperately from the fob portion). Dave
You can get a new, uncut key to slide into the side of the fob, on ebay. It's $9.99 plus $3.00 shipping. Just look for the listing below, PRIUS UNCUT MASTER KEY !!!!!!!!! (Sorry, haven't figured out how to add a link directly to it!) I called my local dealership, they charge around $35.00 to reprogram a fob.
Different question: Can I program my daughter's '06 (pkg 8) to recognize my SKS key(also '06 pkg 8)... without compromising the ability of my car to recognize my FOB? I do not want to FOB buttons to work... and obviously the mechanical key would not work. I simply want to be able to move her car in front of the house without having to run inside to get her set of keys when she is blocking my garage. /Jim
On the subject of the cut key, I got two extras for $8 a piece. I went straight from the sales floor to the parts dept and they did it right then. They can also make it on a regular blank, but I liked the little one. I got them so I can put one in my desk at work and one at my parents house...that way I'm never locked out of the car. My spare fob stays in my apt.