Nearly all Australian's ethanol biofuel are made from agricultural waste and animal fats Biofuels FAQ - Office of Biofuels What is Ethanol made from? Support local biofuel production not foreign oil
That's at the percentages presently mandated and crops are used to produce biofuel "Biofuels are fuels made from renewable biological feedstocks, either crops or waste." . Just look at the destructive growth of Palm oil plantations or the artificial propping of corn in the US.
Not all crops produced are food grade. You have to see for yourself the amount of stuff that are thrown out because they don't look pretty enough for sales in supermarket. There are also by-products such as whey from cheese manufacturing. Crops can be engineered into variety that are suitable for ethanol production too. biofuel require no drastic change to fuel distribution and old fashion combustion engines, and it has got much higher energy density than lithium-ion batteries. Most importantly, Biofuel will cut carbon emissions compared to fossil fuel if every car owner and manufacturer are mandated to switch over ethanol fuel. Climate change is real, it's here and it's already too late. There is no need to debate if we should switch to biofuel or not. It's fine if you want to keep running on fossil fuel but don't bring this debate here. We are talking about E85 conversion for Prius.
I agree about climate change and your right, Biofuel, no matter how much destructive it's commercial pursuit globally is causing, is a side show when compared to the technologies that are imminent and that we should truly be putting our resources into. Good luck with your E85 conversion. Hopefully the energy saved and reduction of CO2 output with the conversion is greater than the energy used in the production of the conversion.
Wouldn't it be better to improve fuel economy by 10% than insist on 10% ethanol from dubious or at least questionable sources?