I am in the process of installing my JBL-MS8 amplifier. I am having a hard time finding a source of switched power. I thought I could easily access the cigarette lighter power. When I removed the side access panels, the seat heater vent was in the way. Does anyone have a good place to access switched power? Is there an easy way to get to the cigarette lighter power? thanks in advance.
I'm selling the JBL speakers you need if you're interested? Go to eBay and type this item number 201037856731
Near the gas pedal is an access panel that comes off. My amp is under the drivers seat, which seemed a better place. All the wiring runs towards the drivers door and then up to dash and to radio. Take the seat out and make sure you leave enough cables to access the amp to fine tune whith the seat back in place. Mose of the center console comes apart.
On my 2014 Three, I just popped the small panel underneath the bridge, soldered a wire on the + lead and routed it all the way in the back via side panels. There is also a switched +12v source on the side mirror controls. Pop the small panel where the side mirror switch is and look for the brown wire (you'll need a multimeter to be sure) this is the switched +12v. I am not familiar with the MS-8, but since it takes speaker level inputs, doesn't it have an auto turn-on feature? (like most LOCs do)?
Thanks for the info. The MS-8 does not have an auto turn on function. I will try to pop the small panel. under the bridge. Hopefully that will work.